Invalid wayspot (removed): Gone Fishing Meet here

  • Wayspot Title: Gone Fishing Meet here
  • Location (lat/lon): 37.421882,-122.08521
  • City: Mountain View, CA
  • Country: US
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):

This was one of a series of physical Map Placemarkers produced by Google to promote then new small business features in Google Maps, back in 2009. A handful of these ended up back on main campus (the nearby Google Map Marker: La Boulange de Polk is another one). Even back in the early days of Ingress, these items were known to sort of roam around this area as various events were held on campus. But, it was mostly around in this area near the volleyball net.

I spent some time a while back trying to find it, with no luck. I’m pretty sure it is gone.

Below is first, the current image (the other image is nearly an identical view). Then a series of photos I recently took of the area that I hope demonstrate that it is no where to be found.

Oddly, it had at least one scan. I do wonder what they captured.

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Thanks for the appeal, @nexushoratio. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.

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