Is this an allowed Wayspot?

Is this an allowed Wayspot?

In my city, there are so many signpost like that. Am I allowed to submit all this signposts as a wayspots?

You would need to submit the trails represented by the signpost, not the signpost itself. Adjust your text so that your nomination is actually about the trail. With how it currently is, you just mention them very briefly.

I tired to quickly search on the internet since I can not read the signs on your screenshots. There seem to be multiple trails going through Bad Erlach that are connected to the bath:

Pick those that are shown with the signs from here, and you can them write for example what you can see on the trail, how long it is, some stuff about the trail itself in description and supporting information.

And also as a note, you don’t need to write a thank you message in the supporting information or actually “talk” personally to the reviewers. Additionally, saying “these kind of signs already exist elsewhere as a Wayspot” does not support you as this is not an argument for reviewing, neither for accepting nor rejecting.

While officially sanctioned trails with signs should be a no brainers, keep in mind that they’d still need to fulfill all the other stuff like safe access and so on. It’s rare, but sometime they can still be disqualified by rejection criteria.