It feels useless to be a way finder

I recently got way finder status and was excited to help out the underlying community of the game I enjoy. I started out doing a bunch of reviews to become familiar with the crittia. Then once I felt comfortable started making recommendations and reports for wayspots. However every nomination and report I have made has been rejected.
The problem I have is the suggestions I made seemed to be no brainers.
A nomination of a free little library in my area was instantly rejected but I wasn’t given enough context to understand why it was rejected.
A report of a local point that is clearly not a music production space that it is tagged as. Rejected a week later, even though a cursory glance at Google maps would tell you that the location is actually just a random spot on a secluded path behind a residence. No signage, or street lighting, and it’s an active spot for aggressive local wildlife(Coyotes).
All this has made me extremely discouraged, is it even worth it to try and make recommendation/reports if they always get rejected?


Hi @Dokugin

Glad to have you here but sorry that you are so frustrated. It can take awhile to really understand how to nominate a good wayspoot. But you are starting out in a smart way by doing reviews and following the criteria.

I could be wrong but your LFL nomination sounds like it was on a Single Family Private Residential Property (SFPRP). If so, it’s not eligible. You can read more about that in the Criteria Clarification section here:

Removals are harder than nominations. Often they are initially denied. But they can be appealed in the forum if they are denied. Although what you described sounds like a Power Spot. I’ve heard that the import for those does not follow the standard wayfarer rules. Normally id recommend making a post to appeal it, but not sure how the Power Dpot updates are being handled at the moment. Others here may have better advice on that.

Long story short - Don’t give up!

Come here and ask us questions. We like to help.


Is this a Depot @LetsRollGirl sorry in advance I couldn’t resist

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The LFL is located near a SFPR, but physically is located at a community accessable space along a public sidewalk.
I am confused because if I have read the criteria right then it should be a great point to bridge between two concentrations of waypoints.
But if proximity to SFPR/K-12 is grounds for automatic rejection, then one of the very concentrations of waypoints I mentioned should be removed. As half of the points at it are in proximity, if not on, a local public elementary school.

Without seeing your nomination I can’t say for sure but Niantic tends to be very cautious with both SFPRP and K-12.

If there are LFL, sports fields, and/or playgrounds that are wayspots on an elementary school property they can be reported for removal.



Welcome to Wayfarer.

I had a look at this nomination and agree with the rejection. The LFL is located on the property of a private residential property (even if accessible from the sidewalk) and that makes it ineligible.

The point is clearly mislocated (is that even a word :thinking: but I believe you get the sentiment). There indeed is a company with that name in that locality but their website doesn’t list an address. The location could be the PRP next to it, in which case it should have been retired. There is also a chance that the offices for the music company is located somewhere in the locality. In this case, the Wayspot does not meet removal criteria.

Moreover, if you do not agree with the assessment on your contribution(s), you have the option to appeal it. You can appeal two nominations/edits every 20 days from your contributions page in Wayfarer. You can also appeal your rejected removal reports here on the community.

Hope it helps.

Happy exploring!!


Dictionary says yes :+1:t2:

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Thanks @hankwolfman for the validation. Appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

But befofe LFL were eligible aslong as you can physically touch the Library from the sidewalk? Why the sudden change? You even said so yourself before.

There was a post by NianticGiffard ages ago that people misconstrued to mean this. And that was clearly corrected even back then. If I can find the old posts, I will edit them in here.

Edit: I found the text of the response:

Let’s make it clear for everybody so my comment does not get misinterpreted in any way.

Please don’t confuse yourselves with my previous statement i.e. “If an eligible object is on the sidewalk or near a sidewalk that is not interfering with a single-family residence then it is acceptable.”

This is straight and clear and I haven’t mentioned anywhere that the eligible object can be on private property. It is only acceptable if the object is not interfering with a single-family residence and should be away from it and not even on the edge.

This clarification should be kept in mind - Any object on the property of private residential property is ineligible. As long as it is on the property of private residential property even if accessible from a sidewalk nearby, it should be rejected.

I hope this clarifies.

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Well to be fair Niantic also said that Mosaic tiles were eligible before, yet they still decided to mass remove them, because they were not unique enough.

They mass removed them because of abuse. Either they were being submitted in false locations, or they were being created and popped into place through vandalism with the sole intent of creating a game location. If you have something that you think should not have been removed, then you can try to ask for reinstatement in Wayspot Appeals - but you will need evidence that it exists there and is permanent.

I am just an explorer like you. Staff and ambassadors can DM if you would like one of them to message you.

Thanks to those who have tried to keep this conversation on topic.

Friendly reminder to keep the conversation relevant to the topic of the appeal. “Whatabouts” and other specific examples should be taken to new threads or discussion topics as needed.


get used to it. when people get to say “no” to anything, chances are they will.

usually there is a reason behind the rejection. i wish i got more to review that i could say “yes” to while following criteria as i understand it.


no reason ever given for the rejections I get

Do you mean that you are seeing “Wayfarer criteria”? That is the reason when the ML model rejects your nomination, and it usually means that it couldn’t detect anything it could recognize as eligible in the photo. If you would like to post a rejected nomination in Nomination Support we would be happy to look at it to help you see whether or how it could be improved.

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