There is a little free library POI that was not approved because “it is on private property.”
My argument is that putting up a little free library is an invitation for the public to access that property. There’s another little free library around the corner that is also on private property that was successfully made a portal. In fact, most of these little free libraries are privately owned and on residential property.
Legal status is legal status. The invitiation to share books is not an invitation to do a Gigantamax battle, for example. There are a couple of clarifications on the forum you should check out:
As to the ones that seem similar to yours that have been accepted, mistakes happen and wayspots are accepted in error. Or it could have been something about the easement rule which that submitter convinced made that location eligible. If LFL’s are on SFPRP (single family private residential property) then they can be reported for removal.
So my experience is that if it is attached to a apartment building it is eligible, but as soon as it is attached to a fence of a house it is flaged as private property, regardles of other circumstances. Mostly this affects rural and countryside areas, where getting an approved wayspot is already difficult. I had a similar problem years ago and since then i have stopped putting poi in the countryside as wayspots, even if the comunity is using them often. If that is your experience as a rural player, it was suggested to me that we should try churches, chapels, crosses and other religious poi.
Yet the problem is most are build next to hiking paths, so it has safe pedestrian access, the deal that you have to hike to it makes it exercise friendly, it had to be poi for locals for it to be built, and definitely stands out from far away. On what criteria should i dismiss them?
Single-family private residential properties have different laws than businesses that are apartments. Someone renting part of a building just doesn’t have the same rights as someone owning a whole house. Including privacy rights.
I think you’re missing nothing. I happen to agree with you.
However, that’s not what Niantic wants at this point in time. They’re blanket forbidding anything on single family private property and that includes businesses. If your corner bodega has a family living above it then it’s not eligible. There are also outstanding questions about who owns the treelawn, the section of land on the street side of the sidewalk.
IMO, this is an overreaction to the trespassing problem. Single family private property really has nothing to do with whether you’re welcome on the property, or would be if they knew you were playing a Niantic game.
However, I’m not Niantic and they haven’t asked me.
@Bellf0rest I would (talking about me) focus on the first word " -MAY- be eligible subject to meeting criteria." Then later on the word -potential-…
And I also note that anything we (as nominators) do is subject to Niantics terms of use regarding rules/regulations/law of the land you are nominating from. These are the terms of use we all signed up to.
I only mention this as the criteria are subservient to the terms of use.
This means we need to be careful as the criteria can be overly interpreted to one area (region/jurisdiction) not another. Now because rules/regulations/law are/can be different in different countries/states/LGAs (local government authorities) etc this broad interpretation may not be applicable in some cases.
Again note my use of the word may. The countries I have lived in, my flat is considered a single private property (by law) as part of an apartment block - and I am subject to different legal jurisdictions let alone property rules due to the type of property it is - but this is where I live - so my view is totally different to someone in the US for instance. And it may (will) vary elsewhere.
Not everything is white or black. There are nuances that are worth baring in mind.
Also remember sometimes local communities reviews differently even within regions. So that adds to your nuances!!! And can be highly frustrating when you see some things accepted and not your nomination and you are like WTA. And we need to remember the database of waypoints will have nominations that may have been acceptable at one time but are longer acceptable as nominations now. I know when I started I did not take into account the criteria etc and nominated stuff I saw in game.
@piratehunter I cannot comment on your example here. Except to ask you post the nomination in full in the nomination help channel. Title, Description, Supporting text photos etc. The forum contributors are very good at looking at nominations and providing advice. I know I use it often and it has been of enormous use to me.
And regarding LFLs - I know I have come across a a couple of fakes (one geezer would move one around and nominate the same looking box in different places). That was interesting.
Good luck everyone. @piratehunter love to see your nom in the other forum. We all learn from seeing these for real