Invalid wayspot: unsafe LFL

  • Wayspot Title: Piedmont City Little Free Library
  • Location (lat/lon): 37.818909,-122.239304
  • City: Piedmont, CA
  • Country: US
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):

Opens onto the street.

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Thanks for the appeal, @nexushoratio. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.

Edit: Please check the most recent response.

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This wayspot is back.

Piedmont City Little Free Library

Thanks for the appeal, @nexushoratio We took another look at the Wayspot in question and decided that it does not meet our criteria for removal at this time.


So it is OK now if you have to stand in the street to access a wayspot. Just checking for clarification.

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Is the street only place next to this Wayspot to stand and play?

Yes. See the photo here:

I have seen the photo. This doesn’t meet our criteria to be removed under safety concerns.

So standing in the street is acceptable. Got it.

I did not say that. There are enough safe spaces to stand and play without standing on the street.

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The LFL cannot be touched from the magical sidewalk separating this from am SFPRP rejection/removal. So in the street is acceptable.

[Edit: or in a private driveway. There is barely any sidewalk between those.]

As you may guess, I also had an SFPRP LFL report rejected today. I am going to stop bothering.

That’s not on the property of the SFPRP. We stand by our decision.

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I’m done.

General point:
Please remember everyone that this decision is for this wayspot, it does not make any changes to the criteria or mean that you can use it as part of an argument about another wayspot.
Each wayspot is individually assessed

It’s clearly on the curb, so the only possible way to be at the way spot is to stand in the street. It’s unfortunate that something that has previously been clearly discouraged- standing in the street- is OK here.

I mean, I guess you could stand in one of the two driveways and hope no one is backing out while they are there……

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This doesnt look like “the street” to me

The sign in the photo indicates Private Drive as well.

Oh and this view

Sure, but the LFL isnt on the drive

The private Drive relates to the property behind the sign, and does not include the LFL.

@RoIi112 @P1dg3ySlayer
I understand that. Aaron said

I am saying that I only see the tiny bricked off planter area the LFL is in as a safe space to stand at the LFL. The brick indicates they don’t want anyone climbing into that to me. They also have a beam installed on the sidewalk side to keep people out of this area. You could make a case that the infinitesimal piece of sidewalk adjacent to the planter is safe. Everything else is street, driveway, or private drive. Unless y’all are claiming that the grate is another safe place to stand. I am so disappointed in this decision, and from y’all piling on to support it.

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