Maliciously changed location of Wayspot Appeal

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: JFSC 45 Anos
  • Location (lat/lon): -27.574465,-48.531661
  • City: Florianopolis
  • Country: Brasil
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): I have requested the return to original location but have not received any information yet


  • Additional Information (if any): The wayspot had its location changed, as it is possible to see in the picture of intel, the new location does not represent the real location of the plate, as it is in the entrance of an audithorium. In the current location, outside of the building, it’s not possible to capture the portal being inside the building.


Please return back this wayspot to its original location, this action was proposed through bad agents, and I think they at least should lost access to wayfarer, or even be banned from the game if you would like a fair and real augmented reality game.


Location edits are not the purpose of this channel. You should use help chat, located on the help menu of the wayfarer site: Niantic Wayfarer

If you haven’t used help chat before, a text bubble will pop up and a bot will ask for information, but a human will get back to you with the decision. You can present evidence there of the actual location. They can also take care of any actions on a Wayfarer that need to be taken.