Move more than 50 meters

  • Wayspot Title: ArreDemo Mural

  • Location (lat/lon): 42.883, -8.528

  • City: Santiago de Compostela

  • Country: Spain

  • Photos:

  • Additional Information (if any):
    The recently approved wayspot has been placed in the wrong place. As can be seen in the attached photos, the wayspot is not in the center of the square. The wayspot is located 60 meters from the place where it has been placed, at the height of the business marked in the photos. Please move the wayspot to the correct coordinates indicated:
    42.8828138, -8.5285251
    Thank you very much.

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You can use the help chat for moves over 50 metres.

You find it when logging into wayfarer and then the help section, when you are there you can see an orange speech bubble.


To request a move further than you can do in game, you can use help chat Niantic Wayfarer and present them with this evidence.

If your browser tends to lose the help chat history and you would prefer to use email, you can use the “Wayspot Removals” form linked at the top here. Since I have learned that some formats don’t show these, I will copy that link here:

If you use that form, do not reply to an automated email requesting your credentials as property owner.


Hi, moved this out of Wayspot Appeals to keep the category tidy - please refer to the suggestions that have been made above to submit your edit request. Good luck!