I need help with a Wayspot nomination. This nomination was rejected because it supposedly obstructs emergency services. However, as can be seen in the pictures, the nominated Wayspot does not obstruct emergency services at all. It is only located at the fire station because it has a historical connection to it. Why could this nomination have been rejected? This reason is incomprehensible to me. Thanks for any Help
Original Title:
Gedenkstein zum 125-jährigen Jubiläum der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Kellinghusen
Original Description:
Die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Kellinghusen wurde 1880 gegründet und ist eine der ältesten Organisationen der Stadt. Sie entstand aus dem Bedürfnis, den Brandschutz und die Sicherheit der wachsenden Gemeinde zu gewährleisten. Mit ihrer langen Tradition ist sie ein wichtiger Teil der Stadtgeschichte und Symbol für Gemeinschaft.
Original Supplemental Information:
Der Gedenkstein zum 125-jährigen Jubiläum der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Kellinghusen würdigt die langjährige Tradition, den Einsatz und die Gemeinschaft der Feuerwehr. Er symbolisiert Dankbarkeit und erinnert an ihr Engagement für Sicherheit und Schutz der Stadt.
I agree that your supporting photo does make it plain that this does not obstruct emergency services - but being at a firehouse, some reviewers may have erred on the side of caution. Have you appealed the rejection yet? I hope you do, and that your appeal is successful!
I was coming with the same screenshot… its on the path fire trucks will come through… so definitely has the potential of obstructing emergency operations.
True, the facing margin is a bit close to the pavement - but I took that pavement as possible parking, since it’s not right near the main door and definitely well away from the truck bay doors.
From this angle it doesn’t appear to me to be in line with traffic. Fire trucks generally can’t make tight 90-degree turns! There’s also a safe footpath along the grass from the bench to be able to actually touch the engraved rock. Again, opinions may vary! I’d definitely appeal and get Niantic’s ruling directly, although they may indeed uphold the rejection. In any case, that’s how Emergency Services Obstruction rejections occur - everyone’s just trying to do what’s best, and safest, for the playing community.
The whole lot/driveway is an “emergency driveway”, sign says to keep out. SO whether its in line with the traffic or not, the driveway should be kept clear.