Fire Station, Wayspot blocking emergency access

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Invicta, Coat of Arms
  • Location (lat/lon): 51.275706, 1.081727
  • City: Canterbury
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
  • Additional Information (if any): The portal is at a fire station, I am concerned that players will park outside the station to interact with the wayspot and cause an obstruction

Based on Niantic’s past clarifications, the Wayspot has to be closer to the driveway emergency vehicles use for it to meet removal criteria. The Coat of Arms is located good 50 meters away.

Where have you seen this clarification? Appeals decisions do not set criteria.

If you are referring to this, I was being sarcastic about the decision here:

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The Wayspot should obstruct emergency services at a fire station for it to be removed. Just being at the fire station is not enough.

“or may interfere with the operations” - as i pointed out on that other post.

not going to argue this again, but wanted to see if i had missed a clarification, since you used that word.

They have made it clear through multiple appeal decisions that the object has to be on the driveway or extremely close to it for the Wayspot to be removed.

PS: I’m not arguing, I’ll be happy to get corrected.

since i mentioned one where they did not remove the wayspot, let me even that up with one where they did: Invalid Wayspot: The "Eagle" at Fire Department - #2 by NianticLC

this shows where it was on the map per the posted coordinates

This one right in front of the driveway.

A significant portion of people who play Niantic games do drive, myself included, and the only place to park for this wayspot is on the driveway of the fire station. I got this wayspot removed once already and somebody added it back. Wild.

That’s the interaction radius for PoGO at this location: 80 meters. The distance between the plaque and the close edge of the fire truck exit is only 12 meters, and the far edge is 34 meters.

If you’ve got a link to a clarification that says what you’re claiming, I’d love to see it because I don’t remember them saying that outright. Whoever reviews these reports routinely rejects the fire station ones, and they are almost always overturned when posted here. Not being facetious here, I’d genuinely like a link.

As @cyndiepooh said:

In any case, this seems like a slam dunk for removal.


Wayfarer is game agnostic. So, the 80 m rule does not apply. This is anything but a slam dunk case of removal.

Not true. We have seen many cases where they were not removed

Thanks for the appeal, @JayTurnr. We took another look at the Wayspot in question and decided that it does not meet our criteria for removal at this time.


Hi Atlas,

What is the criteria in this case?

@Mystogan5097 called it. I still think this interferes with operations and should have been removed. If only blocking the driveway is an issue, then then guidance should be rewritten.

The complete lack of context on why a given decision was made causes frustration for the community and fails to educate people.

Relying on the community to explain why you have made or will make a given decision allows false statements to proliferate as users guess at prior decisions and treat them as new criteria statements not made or clarified elsewhere.

Mod Edit: Removed the unnecessary part


@NianticAaron it seems my interpretation of why this wasn’t removed was incorrect. Maybe you should clarify these decisions?

I am not sure why a mod edit was done to remove the reference to Niantic not only removing but sending a warning to this Wayfarer over submitting a banquet hall adjacent to a Fire Station: Received a warning this morning


We in the community have been pilloried for drawing ‘false inferences’ from your findings. Is there any where or any way we can learn the factual basis behind your decisions?

Are you disallowed from explaining policy? What are your policies about discussing policy with our community?

Is it kind of like Fight Club?


I think the community needs some hard and fast clarification on Wayspots at Fire stations.

This Wayspot is at best 34 meters away from the garage doors where the trucks exit, and at worst 12 meters. It’s literally ON the firehouse.

By this logic, the firehouse itself should be eligible. I honestly don’t see any difference between this Wayspot, and a Wayspot of a firehouse.

Your own rejection criteria states: “Location obstructs the driveways of emergency services or may interfere with the operations of fire stations, police stations, hospitals, military bases, industrial sites, power plants, or air traffic control towers”

If this doesn’t qualify as blocks emergency services, then that section of the criteria needs to be re-written and we need to be given examples of what does and does not pass that bar.