My Wayspot is on the wrong spot. The painted rocks

Pls answer my tickets. You cant even suggest another location and it’s far from the real spot so people can’t scan it.

What is the Wayspot in question, and where is it?

You can go to Niantic Wayfarer and click on the chat icon, and then suggest a new location.

I started to suggest that as well, but the OP mentioned tickets already. I suspect that they used help chat, but lost the history and never saw a reply. I don’t have that issue with help chat but some people do.

Sometimes help chat will reply asking for more information, and if the OP loses the help chat history, there could be multiple closed tickets where they were just waiting for more information to be provided. Other times the answer was yes and the move has been made, but other times the answer was no.

I wanted to get a look at the actual location on maps to see if this was the kind of location edit help chat might do. If it is moving the Wayspot away from the poi, then they will not.

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Have been done 4times

The painted rocks Hadsund Denmark 9560.

I was so happy the accepted my Wayspot nomination. But it’s misplaced bad you can’t even scan it where it’s located now.

this is not enough information for me to find the area. gps coordinates or a street address would work but you do not have to give those.

Are any of these the Wayspot you’re on about?

It does seem like those last two are exactly the same thing, and so one is a duplicate of another and you may need to report the incorrect one as a duplicate.

I can’t find them on Street View, but the one titled “The Painted Stones” looks to be in the correct location on satellite view.

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The painted stones. ty i found it thanks to this

(56.7169109, 10.1130195)

No they are not duplicates but they all are very close in a public only walk street it’s the Centrum of Hadsund.

But they located The painted stones right next to Hadsund centrum which is pretty far from where they Actual are.

The last two may not be duplicates in real life, but the photo is exactly the same.

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The photos are the same photo

The painted stones.

The gps coordinates you gave do not appear to be a more accurate location for the painted stones from satellite view.

My reason for asking you the location was to advise you if it appeared to be a move that Niantic would not do to move the Wayspot away from the poi. I can’t find the poi to advise on that.

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I think I nominated it 2 times with 2 different names but I was sure they will merge.

They misplaced the painted stones. The location they are at now, is wrong. The right location is this one. I will post the screenshot the location code. And the red circle on the screenshot is the painted stones.

The current wayspot is located exactly on the painted stones you circled in red, but there is a duplicate just a few meters away too.

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