New Tag I saw

What does it mean under review??
Is it going to be rejected?

This means that Niantic is reviewing this instead of the community. It is nothing to worry about, and completely normal. I am happy when I see this, because it usually means a faster decision for me =)


Thank you for encouraging me…

I don’t have a lot of hope for this one since that photo has people and clutter in it. But being pulled into in house review is not a for sure rejection.

As you can see, it’s a picture taken at a night volleyball match. But I can change it if asked.

There is no way to change a photo while in review. I just didn’t want to tell you that it would be accepted when I am not sure the photo meets criteria from the thumbnail. If they do reject it, you can take a better photo and submit it again. Hoping they accept.

Ohh, it means I can only hope that it’ll get accepted.

It shouldn’t be accepted. Youve got a child’s profile in that image. That’s not good.

BTW, I submitted a bug report to have the help pages updated, as Under Review used to be In Voting with the Niantic logo next to it. I think they may have changed it to Under Review with the Niantic logo to make it clearer that staff is reviewing instead of the community.

The image diagram was updated, but the text wasn’t.

It’s rejected

Sorry to hear it has been rejected. If you are able to get to the Volleyball pitch again during the day and without any people / animals in the frame of the images, it stands a better chance of acceptance. Alternatively, if there is a entrance sign that you can submit, that would just as valid.


I was just reading another post where submitting the sign led to success:


Yep. Saw that one just a few moments ago. I have submitted Football pitches in the past, but usually try and submit signs to football grounds if I can.

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yeah i hate to encourage “signfarer” but a sign really does represent a distinct point to be the wayspot very well!


I agree that signs make for a good and clear spot for the waypoint. However, I’m greatly saddened and disappointed that photos that are exclusively of the sign appear to be required.

I’m happy to use the sign for the location but I hate that I have to use a photo of a plain, boring, letters only sign rather than a photo of the thing the sign identifies.

I must admit that photos of signs alone do seem to get past ML while attractive pics do not.

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Keep in mind once a wayspot is accepted, you can add additional photos of it. These don’t seem to go through the same ML scrutiny, but should still be of the wayspot. So in this case I’d take a nice photo of the playground equipment.


This is not accurate. I have seen plenty of things in review that do not focus on signs.


Sure, but apparently, if there’s a sign in the photo, it appears to need to be the entirety of the photo.

Thats not accurate either. ML needs to be able to identify whats in the photo, whether thats a sign, an object etc. It does not absolutely need to be a sign.

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a too close close-up of a sign is likely to be rejected. context is needed. i can’t find one that i made that isn’t centered on the sign, because that is the way i take the photo, but i have seen plenty in review that are not.