New waypoints being used for max raids

You don’t get an email or anything to confirm your report has gone anywhere either.

Try it through in-game help. Might work from there.

Some delights from the train as I pass through the historic and stunning east coast of Scotland


Trying to play devil’s advocate, I guess this guarantees that even go players in rural areas get to enjoy the new mechanic without too much trouble. Outside of that, it’s not much fun when a game geared towards exploration has me walking to a pi’s office or some random backlot

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K-12 schools should never be regular stops.


Only me.

Now is it me or do these new Power Spots go against all things Wayfarer. ? They aren’t accurately placed, some are businesses, some are even Nurserys… One was on a Builders Merchants Yard and some are on Private Property.

Now it seems these have been randomly pulled from Google Maps Pins of random places on the map. Especially ones that are home based businesses that people have marked on Google.

Some are also legit hidden non inclusive Waypoints that you don’t see due to Inclusion rules.

Is this all intentional? Is it permanent?

Someone may have a big problem on their hands soon. Especially walking into Yards with live machinery.


Ps. I’m probably not the first to raise this opinionitve view, I’m not moaning or anything, it’s just we put all this effort in following the criteria etc etc and Niantic just plaster the map with these Spots. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::man_juggling::man_juggling::man_juggling:

Wheres my Picard Gif


And so it begins…again !!!

I’m merging this in the main thread


Usually the rural areas lack in POI of any sort or are not mapped out in the other sources such as Foursquare so I don’t see how this is helping a lot

I know this is not really a Wayfarer-question, and VERY single-game-related, but maybe someone close to Niantic can shed some light upon this ?

As from today, Pokémon has added what are called ‘power stops (or spots)’ where you can collect energy. (Don’t know the details about it yet). Six of them showed up around my working area. When I clicked on them, I noticed they have one trait in common : Almost ALL are spots that would NEVER ever qualify as a nomination. A daycare center, an elementary school, a gas station, a big carshop, an administrative ‘office’ that is in a normal house, and at least one is on private property.

What happened to the rules ? I thought the idea was NOT to have people hang around where small children are, and adding POI’s there (which, by the way, are NOT in the Lightship map) seems kind of funny. Especially after I got several nominations denied that were not on the premises but apparently too close a K12-object.

To be honest, I am very puzzled by this…


You ever see an adult in the playground play then? :sweat_smile:

Children school routes also dont get accepted. And is true hole town. And not on school ground.

Its always have bin a strange rule… most kids play unsupervised ad playgrounds

It’s not just the K-12 restrictions either,it’s looking to me that random spots from Google maps have been plucked that happen to be businesses run from a home address also.

I’m looking across my local Pokémon Go Map after updating this morning and there are several business that are run from home and the one I went to look at happened to be in the middle of someone’s driveway and was called a “scaffolding company” and then there was another which was a “wedding planner” home business.

This is surely in my eyes a big no no and a serious safety and privacy concern that Niantic have made a big mistake on.

I’m just waiting to hear the grumbles from local players about how they’ve gotten told off for being on a private property which is a home as well as a business…this also brings up the question of if the business owner has kids at the address also.

Why they couldn’t have just upgraded some of the existing wayspots such as a playground area or playing fields I don’t know.

I’m half expecting an influx of matters related to this because in game support haven’t been answering people either.


This is not the same criteria as normal poi’s that we wouldn’t accept during a review it’s randomly generated from some other system…also I was actually at a small playground that I’ve never been to last weekend doing a field test mission and there was kids on the equipment as another adult arrived with a big dog,however I felt the adults eyes watching me and heard them say “there’s a man over there so stay away for the moment” but I was behind a privacy hedge where the poi was located as part of the mission I was doing.

They didn’t approach me or ask what I was doing but I would have explained if they had…it was also an area I hadn’t been to before for personal reasons yet it was a nice day for a long walk and to explore.

This is because Pokémon go used external sources to import pois regardless of what it is. If in those sources there is something in there that is the worst possible thing ever to include, they included that as well

It does not change any wayfarer criteria btw

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It makes me wonder what anyone who only plays Go is doing here anymore. Since clearly the team managing Go dont believe the criteria is important, why do we spend so much time talking about it as if it is?

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Because it’s an requirement by the lightship database - users can only request to be added to that database via Wayfarer, and as such trainers are bound to the criteria while imports by the game team are not.

Which is incredibly unfair and makes little sense, so probably trainers will start submitting ineligible things even more, get warned and have more rage against the company - and some of these will get through but not meet removal criteria as well increasing confusion and frustration as well


Maybe there will be some US lawsuits or other issues arising to make some changes happen - I thought thats why we had critieria in the first place!

Makes me want to mentally separate these things from the normal wayspots. Will leave them exactly as they as as clearly Niantic decided schools and houses and funeral homes are ideal spots to play Pokemon Go today and wont want me to mess it up by applying wayfarer standards to it


It seems like some departments are operating on “do now, face consequences later”


Seems so yeah.

I dont get the whole importing junk closed businesses either. They have a database of PoIs and could have easily asked wayfarers to submit businesses to populate it with up to date data that could have been used for this project. Ie amended submission criteria but also made clear that these would not necessarily be used as general waypoints (which is already mentioned anyway )


I just rode around in my own village a bit, and I don’t know if I’m shocked,surprised or flabbergasted. There are indeed several power spots around. But none of those are eligible in my experience with the wayfarer rules.

A flower shop and a supermarket might be sort of okay. But there is a funeral home (or I don’t know how to call it, but where they display the diseased before burial), a law firm, and two private residences where management of some local associations houses (usually just the secretary), two private home businesses that you don’t really visit, the house of some kind of coach, absolutely nothing i would ever consider nominating since they make zero chance. Heck,they could get you banned for abuse.

Around my work I found a few of the same type, including a daycare center (!).

I am by now familiar with the wayfarer rules, but to people playing Pokémon that finally reach the level to nominate but don’t go into the depths of wayfaring, are gonna be SO confusing. This will probably lead to a shitload of ineligible nominations.

It looks as if Niantic took businesses from Google maps that have a name on them. The best clue I have for that is an organisation called Malteser (ambulance service) that sits across my house, but used to be at the sports hall. Google maps says it is still there, although it hasn’t been for over 14 years, and now it is a power spot. I never nominated it, because it is one of the few places you could actually obstruct emergency services.

So far, it looks like a big mess somebody forgot to put a single thought into.