Saben me di cuenta que nadie hace un buen trabajo solo actúan por egoísmo y su bienestar propio nunca van a cambiar hasta que intenten hacer las cosas con honorabilidad y coherencia, quitan propuestas buenas solo por qué no les aceptaron sus propuestas que lástima que sean así de rencorosos, hagan bien su trabajo apesar de todo lo que ocultan y verán que la sociedad de niantic va a cambiar, si siguen con sus mala costumbres nunca se va a cambiar una sociedad, solo los que nacimos con Pokémon sabes lo que es la convivencia y el agrado mutuo por un bien común, los demás no saben lo que proyecta el anime el echo de ser recíprocos y llevaderos con nuestra gente de la generación Pokémon
Many of us devote a lot of our time freely to trying to help people submit nominations that meet criteria, and will even look around on Google Maps to try to make suggestions of things that could be accepted. Slamming us all as selfish, dishonorable, and resentful is not fair. It is not our job to review, but we do to try to help get as many locations accepted as possible into the games.
If you want help with nominations you feel have been unfairly rejected, you can post them in Nomination Support for advice. But if you want criteria changed or ignored for the “common good” then we can’t help.
Hello again,
When you posted before
We offered to help if you posted some of your nominations. So if you would like to improve chances of success getting that support would be a good idea.
Yo te apoyo siempre y cuando la propuesta sea válida. No tengo idea de cómo será la situación de las propuestas que has hecho, pero entiendo el sentimiento. Cuando son propuestas válidas, da un poco de pena que no se aprueben. Saludos!
And then you still dont get any normal explanation
If you read the OP’s first thread, it was only Aaron that said the rejection was valid, but didn’t give more info, which isn’t unusual from staff. The OP was also asked to share screenshots of their nominations, but has yet to do so, so it’s hard for us to assist here.
Besides, staff isn’t going to share their nominations, as it could be seen as a privacy issue. We also can’t force people to share their nominations, only ask.
I checked your last few nominations and they are not valid as per Wayfarer criteria and the rejections are valid. Please review the Wayfarer criteria again before submitting new nominations. You can also post your nominations in the nomination-support category for community feedback. Thanks,