No New Edit Submissions?

Anyone else not get their 10 text edit submissions added back today? I’ve been using all 10 every day, and up until today I’ve not had any issues with them being added back the next day. I only play Ingress, not PoGO, unsure if that’s relevant though.

They add back at an odd time of day for me. I used all of mine for yesterday before I got that warning, and I currently have ten available to use. Which I am not going to. But indicates that mine were added back accurately.

[I think it is UTC midnight, whatever time that is for you.]

I’ll check later, but every day they’ve been waiting for me to use in the morning, and I’ve used them all before noon I believe. Eastern time zone here.

Was shocked to read about your predicament yesterday BTW, glad it was sorted out without any permanent marks on your account (I think?) but I can completely understand why you wouldn’t want to do any more!

For me they add back at 7pm here. I had been waiting until the next morning to use them, too, but that evening when I saw one on comms I wanted to make a note of to fix the next day, i discovered they had already been replenished.

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Weird then, I didn’t do any edits last night. Definitely not 10 after 7pm.

This happened to me a few days ago.

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I knew I read that somewhere recently, but couldn’t remember where

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Not many however they may be a title edit.