Nomination advice - bicycle rental station


Recently I submitted bicycle rental stations in my area. Two of them got accepted immediately, and two got rejected by a wayfarer criteria. I appealed one of them and received the answer mentioned in a screenshot.
In my opinion that kind of objects meets the criteria of exercising. But the answer says that it is a “normal station with no significance”.
So even though this place encourages to exercise it is not enough? I am really confused…

Please let me know what do You think, should I submit it again, but with a wider description of how crucial bikes are in the area? Or just leave it?


Hi, welcome to the forum!

There is no black and white eligibility regarding any type of object, so in that sense previous ML or community (or appeal, for that matter) acceptances or rejects don’t make a blanket rule for all other objects of this type.

Regarding bike rental stations, please check out a similar discussion here where many people gave their opinion on a similar question - I also recall a few other threads where the appeal went the same way as yours:

Briefly, my view would be that by definition this kind of station implies that there is a whole network (this one has 735 stations, if I understand correctly, so it’s going to be hard to argue it’s uncommon in the area or country - just like in my area), and that the thing that helps you exercise and explore on a bike is the biking trail rather than the business that rents them to you.

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