Notice board at the local grocery store, it’s not a good candidate for a stop?
Hello and welcome @nicklasloje
Thanks for asking your question.
I can’t tell exactly what is written but it looks like this is a nice community noticeboard where people can post information that the local community will find useful.
I would say that is a place that encourages socialisation and a place to explore for information and so it meets criteria.
This should be a good wayspot.
thank you for your nice answer
But it’s Not Accepted by niantic:
Rejection Criteria:
Generic Business
Other Rejection Criteria
And I don’t understand any of that.
It is the only notice board in the area.
But I will try again
Check your email. If it says “our team” then it was rejected by Niantic. If it says “the community” then it was rejected by fellow explorers.
What did you use for the title, description, and supporting information? Maybe we can make suggestions on how to improve this for a new nomination.
You do have the ability to appeal a rejection to Niantic where their in-house team will look at it again. You get 2 appeals, each on a 20 day timer before you can use it again. I usually like to try to submit something a couple of times before I use an appeal on it.
I have appeal to Niantic
And that was their answer.
title: Opslagstavlen (Danish) The notice board
description: Overblik over hvad der sker i byen. (Danish) Overview of what’s happening in the city.
supporting information: Altid mange folk omkring den nyrenoverede købmand (Danish) Always a lot of people around the newly renovated grocery store
When you appeal you’ll normally get a bigger block of text explaining why like;
Thanks for the appeal, Explorer! The object in question does not meet the Wayfarer criteria as it is insignificant. We recommend you review the Wayspot Criteria before submitting your next Wayspot contribution: Wayfarer — Niantic Technical Support and Help Center
Do you have this on your Appealed one? You can share a screenshot here.
On your new submission, I would have a more specific title which includes the location. The description seems fine, but I would use the supporting to explain more why this meets criteria. I haven’t tried an information board at a store before, but maybe try something like
Helps keep people connected and informed with postings of events and other notices.
I would also recommend a main photo that frames the board better. Either turn your phone sideways or crop to better center the board. It would not matter for the rejection, but every little thing you can do to have someone look at the nomination and lean towards “that looks great” can help.
No promises that this will be accepted. This is one of those gray area nominations that some reviewers like and some don’t.
Thanks i will try
Sometimes you just have to get lucky with who reviews your nomination. As long as I can justify that it meets criteria, I try again.
That’s good news.
And you have had some great tips for the future.
Enjoy your new wayspot.
Thank you very much for all your help, you have given some good ideas and it would help me a lot in the future.
ty to lurking Niantic staff!