Reason for rejection?

The stop I nominated is a permanent waste receptacle for the community and was not accepted. It is on municipal property and it meets all 4 of the acceptance criteria so I was just curious as to why it was rejected. Thanks

Hi @LizardKing7777. Welcome to the forum. Perhaps you could let us know what those 4 criteria are.

The eligibility criteria are: a great place to explore, a great place to exercise or a great place to gather and socialize. Your nomination needs to meet one of those criteria and not meet any of the exclusion criteria.

I am not sure a waste receptacle could meet any eligibility criteria, but if you share your nomination by screenshots, the community can provide more specific feedback.

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Welcome to the forum @LizardKing7777!

I’m moving the topic to Nomination Support so the folks will be able to help you. Please feel free to share all the info about your nomination.

Hello and welcome,

I, too, am curious as to how you see a waste receptacle being eligible, even if permanent. It’s not a great place to be social with others at, it’s not a great place to exercise at, and it’s not a great place to explore (unless you’re into dumpster diving, which may be illegal, depending on where you live).

And even though it’s permanent, it’s may be a very generic item that most see all over the towns and cities they live in, making it indistinct.

You may want to review the Wayfarer Criteria to get a better sense of what is and isn’t acceptable, and those can be found here:

If you still think your nomination meets criteria, please feel free to share screenshots of it and we’d be happy to look at it.


Well it’s a block away from two schools so kids and teenagers are always congregating and walking passed the waste receptacle. It’s next to a bike path and also a sidewalk so people are always riding their bikes or going for runs or walking their dogs by it. And there are a few other pokestops and power spots that are located nearby so it’s a good location for exploring. Also with other pokestops near by there’s also a great opportunity to create new routes.
Am I wrong in saying that these are all perfectly acceptable criteria for a pokestop to be accepted?

In short, yes you are wrong. This is criteria for a Wayspot:

Must meet at least one of the three eligibility criteria

  • A great place for exploration
  • A great place for exercise
  • A great place to be social with others

You may decide to meet up at a waste receptacle, but it is not a great place to be social. The receptacle does not encourage exercise or exploration.

You should read up on criteria. There are several great places to look, both on the forum and the Wayfarer site. But that link I gave you is the most basic one.

I am so glad you have come to the forum so we can help you be successful. It is so frustrating to have your nominations rejected.


I understand but still disagree, but it’s not up to me. Just arguing my case is all. Maybe I’ll try to get something painted on it through the city and submit it as a work of art

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A waste bin with art on it would be acceptable. There used to be a waste bin at the visitor’s center in my city that had a Norwegian rosemale painting on it, along with the city’s slogan in Norwegian. I haven’t seen it there in quite awhile, so my guess is that it was removed (the bin), or the bin was moved to a different location, like the Sons of Norway lodge downtown.

Again, like we have mentioned, you may want to review the criteria links provided to understand what is and isn’t eligible. There is even a Criteria Clarification Collection here in the forums that gives great examples of what is and isn’t eligible for several categories, and even show photos.

I’ve had several stops accepted. I just figured this had a possibility of being accepted. There are utility boxes around my neighborhood that have been painted by an artist and I’ve turned them into pokestops. I’ll see if that’s possible for this waste receptacle

I’ve had utility boxes with art accepted, as they are acceptable.

What you want on the map is something that is not distinct, and doesn’t meet the 3 Greats for social/exercise/explore.

You don’t go to the bin to socialise. You go to the bin to throw your rubbish away.

You don’t go to the bin to exercise. You might walk past the bin as part of exercising, but the bin isn’t specifically where you’re exercising.

You don’t point out the bin as a local landmark to people who are new to the area. You might coincidentally walk past it whilst exploring other actual landmarks or cool places, but the bin itself is just a bin and not something worthy of exploration.


I’m gonna try to get it painted. I WILL have my bin as a stop. Mark my words

Please keep the conversation civil and constructive here on the forums.

Hi @LizardKing7777
Only for the case you could probablly think about a plan b, you mentioned bikes and passengers, is there any official route nearby?

Yes there is a designated bike path on the road

I’m just playin around

Not all see it like that. It’s just a reminder. I know Hank can handle it, but not all can.

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If the signs for that are not only normal street furniture and it’s part of an official listed route, you would increase your chances drastically to get a waypoint

Good luck, sincerely! :smiley:

My initial concern is you’re considering taking an art project upon yourself, which I would advise against, as that may be seen as vandalism and as “graffiti” shouldn’t be accepted, and may create legal issues for yourself if it’s against local ordinance.

If you’re adamant about adding something, I strongly suggest checking out a few of the examples that meet eligibility and consider if you can work with your local parks & rec, a housing organization, or other public space facilities to see if there’s something you can do that will provide benefit to the community at large and have the side effect of benefiting your game community.

An example might be asking your parks department to add a Little Free Library or a community notice board. You might even get a small business to consider the same.

If you’re comfortable (please consider thoroughly before doing so) you could share your approximate area and fellow Wayfarers could help suggest nominations to benefit your area.


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I appreciate it. I have no intention of taking on the art myself or doing any kind of vandalism. In my post mentioning getting the art done I did say I would try to get it done through the city

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