Old Wayspot Missing After New Ones Added?

I’ve been trying to add a bunch of new Wayspots at a local Catholic Church in my city with great success, but I’ve been informed in a local Pokémon GO Discord that one of the ones that were previously there has been removed.

I took particular notice to this because I was the one that submitted that one in the first place. I’m not sure if it’s related to the new ones that I’ve submitted and have been accepted.

33.237738935735635, -97.16275780155674 are the coordinates of the Wayspot in question.

There is a school and a church here. Is this where you had it pinned?

This appears to be the drop-off area for the school, so it was correctly removed if that is where it was.

The red pin is accurate within a few feet. It’s a negligible difference.

There’s also a school there too, but the spot in question is more associated and physically connected to the church itself, even if literally closer to the school building. You see the big paved path on the satellite view.

This is in front of the school.
This location is not eligible imo.

If you have evidence this is not on the school property, you should present it.

I’m not trying to argue with you directly or be rude, so I apologize if it comes off that way, but I’ve got some backing.

The legal description for the entire property is for a/the Church, not a/the school as per the Denton County government. The owner itself is the Diocese of Fort Worth.

If you are asking for staff to reconsider the removal, then you should move this to Wayspot Appeals

It didn’t go away because new ones were added, but submitting new ones may have brought it to reviewer’s attention to report it.

I was more curious than anything if it had something to do with the newer ones, but yeah, that makes sense.

I moved it to Wayspot Appeals because after reading the CAD legal description of the property, I feel that’s a strong enough argument (for me at least.)

I guess since this is Wayspot Appeals now, I will include what I can and summarize the previous comments in the thread.

Location: Denton, Texas
Lat/Long: 33.237738935735635, -97.16275780155674
Wayspot Title: Our Lady’s Rosary Garden
Additional Information #1: There wasn’t a rejection email and I did not appeal anything since I was just told about it by someone else in my city.
Additional Information #2: The Wayspot in question belongs to the Catholic Church itself and not necessarily the school. According to the CAD for Denton County, the entire property is legally described as Church property, not school property.

@SpindaHuntr Hey, I noticed there are some Disc Golf holes around here as well.

It is kind of in the name that the property is also a school. I would argue that the following wayspot is purposefully misnamed and that all wayspots on the property should probably be retired.

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Metal Cross & Welcome Sign

Also, the school’s website mentions the association with the church (https://www.catholicschooldenton.org/parish-links) and the church’s website mentions the school (https://www.iccdenton.org/ , scroll to “VISIT OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL”).

There are clearly two different addresses on that sign, so that’s not really an argument.

There are lots of Wayspots associated with things that are ineligible but themselves are eligible. Not everything is so cut and dry.

Just because of the completist in me (and to save a few iterations either way this goes):

  1. 33.239029, -97.162667 Wooden Crosses at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
  2. 33.238671, -97.164023 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Baseball Field
  3. 33.238166, -97.163981 Mary’s Garden
  4. 33.237715, -97.163791 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Playground
  5. 33.23741, -97.164064 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Basketball Court
  6. 33.237404, -97.163829 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Outdoor Pavilion
  7. 33.237388, -97.162509 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
  8. 33.237426, -97.162272 Immaculate Conception Memorial Garden
  9. 33.237338, -97.162205 Blessed Mary Statue
  10. 33.236871, -97.163818 Immaculate Conception Football & Soccer Field
  11. 33.236733, -97.162663 St. Francis of Assisi & Guardian Angel Statues
  12. 33.236877, -97.162008 Our Lady of Guadalupe Statue
  13. 33.237028, -97.161118 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Metal Cross & Welcome Sign

I think it’s ridiculously silly to take the stance that all the Wayspots in the entire Church area are ineligible. There are Wayspots there that aren’t even in the same building. I guess you could argue proximity would make some of them ineligible, but I don’t even agree with that fully. There are, without a doubt, people who attend the church but not the school. They’re still allowed to use the facilities that are outside of the school building. I definitely think that anything inside of the school building itself is ineligible, but you’re making it too black and white and reality usually exists in the gray.

You would have to argue that every single Waystop at/in the University of North Texas in the same city are ineligible because TAMS exists and high school students attend it.

(post deleted by author)