The start of a new year seems like a great time to reflect on goal setting… So I’ve been thinking, what are my Wayfarer goals for 2025? I’ll kick things off by sharing my goals. 
- Ongoing/Persistent goal for the year - Average nominating 2 things a day everyday!
I’ve been at this pace since mid-2022–can’t stop, won’t stop. Or at least won’t stop in 2025 haha. I counted 56 swimming pools nominated in 2024. 
- Ongoing/Persistent goal for the year - “Create” 25 (or more) new mushrooms for Pikmin Bloom
Pikmin Bloom’s first two map synchs were both in 2024. Maybe we will have more map synchs this year! In anticipation of potential map synchs, I will intentionally seek out empty L14 cells to nominate 1 thing in, because if a synch occurs, Pikmin Bloom would get a new map object (mushroom) there. Exciting!
- Monthly goal for 2025 - Plan a trip someplace “outside of my usual area” for nominations
Bite-sized goals are good to, to keep on track for the yearly goals… A lot of my nominations come from taking a detour on the way to a destination or meeting up with someone somewhere I can nominate a few things. This is a bit more intentional–planning to spend a couple of hours at a location specifically to nominate.
- My hidden goal…
Congrats for reading this far down! I suppose since you made it all the way to the end of my post that you have earned the right to know about my super secret hidden goal that no one else knows about, so now I will tell you about it. There are people out there that might hate this goal with a burning passion but it is near and dear to my heart, so I will persist through the best of my ability to achieve it. My hidden goal is to nominate all of the non-Starbucks, non-Dunkin’ Donuts, non-overly-common-you-can-find-it-everywhere coffee places as points of interest. Because coffee is great! It’s even better if it has ice in it because it is safe to drink immediately without burning your mouth. And you can even meet up with a friend while getting a coffee. It’s like that saying, two birds one stone. Maybe this is three birds, one stone (coffee + friends + wayfarer)!
What are your Wayfarer goals for 2025? Feel free to share any goals–hidden goals, long-time goals, short-term goals! Just having one goal is fine too. 
I made it a personal goal to really increase my submissions. In order to do that, I am planning to submit in “distant” locations. In fact, I’ve already spent a couple of weekends doing that in January.
I hesitate to attach a number to my goal because I hate to fall behind. So far, I am far, far ahead of where I thought I would be towards the end of January. But, in keeping with my spirit of non-competitive Wayfarer, I will keep my stats to myself.
But, y’all, I’m such a data nerd, that I have created a Power BI file that pulls in population data on all the towns and cities in my state and plots them on a map. I can filter to show the towns based on size categories in chunks of 5,000 people. I can sort the towns by their distance (as the crow flies) from my home. I can filter out the towns whose population decreased between 2010 and 2020 so that I only focus on the areas that are growing. Then I use that information to search the IITC map to see if there are places with gaping holes on the map and head out to nominate there!
Also, it is my goal to continue to have quarterly Wayfarer meet-ups at one of the many coffee shops submitted by either me or @SerAmanda!
Biggest goal this year is to get some nominations through in another country when I go on my trip to Canada this year! Excited to try and find at least 1 I can do while I am there.
I hesitate to attach a number to my goal because I hate to fall behind.
Yeah I totally get that. Setting a number gives a concrete target, but attaching a number can create a situation where if you fall too far behind, you can’t catch up, which is more demoralizing than motivating. Setting a number too low makes the goal inconsequential. But I guess that’s what makes goal setting so personal–it can be whatever is motivating for you.
AH I now remember, I have a 5th goal… Another “hidden” goal.
Do more reviewing than I did last year!
I haven’t really defined it for kind of those reasons, but I think so far I am ahead of where I was in Jan 2024.
My mission is for world domination and to be the best Wayfarer ever existed… at some point I am going to wake up.
But on a serious note… just to keep on learning and keep on evaluating / challenging my knowledge of all things Wayfarer.
This year’s goals for me are adding 6 new countries to my profile, as well as having 1 accepted Wayspot in each federal state of Germany and each Kanton in Switzerland.
I already started with the latter thing this month, let’s see how the rest will go!
I like wayfarer because it’s a much more chilled environment compared to games.
hidden goal is a soft landing and getting back to basics after Ambo tour of duty ends. 
Not so much goals but small projects to work on
High brow - visiting UNESCO world heritage sites and if possible submitting something there.
Back to basics - visiting poorer inner city areas looking for things to submit. These areas are often low in terms of wayspots.
Visiting rural / agricultural areas looking for potential way spots.
So busy exploring.
For me, I’m going to continue to work on edits, especially descriptions and photos. Even after the global edits challenge, there’s still a good deal of Wayspots in my area that need some updating.
After starting to play Ingress, I’ve found so many ineligible Wayspots and am taking note of them. Just today, seeing what portals others were interacting with, I found a liquor store, fire station, a few LFLs on PRP, and a possible fake called “Blurry Mary Statue,” which has some of the blurriest photos I have ever seen in-game (this one I’m going to have to check out, as it is a a church called St. Mary’s and could be a statue there, just with a bad title and photos).
I also want to get my agreement rate back up for reviewing. I’d like to get it to around 60% (right now at 57.9%). I know it isn’t that big of a goal, especially since my rating is at Great, but I would like to see it improve.
It felt kind of strange to see that, being an Ambassador, these are your main Wayfarer goals.
I’ve only set 1 goal for wayfarer this year: reach my 30.000th agreement.
1.600 to go.
Not doing this to get upgrades, I still have 145 upgrades available 
The list is for “personal” Wayfarer goals, not “program” goals. Ambassadors are people who should work on their own Wayfarer accounts so they don’t lose touch with the frontline user experience. If all we ever thought about was the global program, we could easily forget the main things people deal with.
My goals this year are to review 15,000 wayspots. To do that I’ll need to review 41.09 nominations per day. Extremely doable. I’ve shared my progress with several people here who have been accountability partners for me.
I created a excel doc to track my progress.
Here it is as of 30 Jan 2025
My Wayfarer goal for 2025 is to successfully submit things in more counties in my home state, more states in my home country, and more countries overall.
Personal goals:
- Improve my acceptance/rejection ratio and maintain it.
- Support my two proteges in beginning to create appropriate submissions.
- Saturate my local area with all the portals I can justify.
- Boost a few local “towns” to the point that they start to spawn machina.
- Create some local camping spots worth fracking.
- Cap & scan every portal I create.
- Find portals that are especially inconvenient for car-exclusive players. Four wheelers required, hiking trails, and crow close but car distant, eg.
Churches are my primary targets. They often don’t even have one spot around here yet they often have gardens, outdoor eating/socializing areas, playgrounds, basketball courts, volleyball courts, crosses, statuary, labyrinths, murals, and other attractions. Rarely has anyone submitted them all. Of course, some others have locked access, “no trespassing” signs, (which mean something different here than you might expect), etc.
Oh, and a few, very few, need to be eliminated. If I can’t scan it reasonably or safely then it really probably should go.
My hidden goal… map out more areas and give POI to the people
even in areas I dont frequent.
Forest trails in far to reach areas or more rural places where ppl dont even know they can nominate. It gives a new AR experience feeling I build the world around me, walking cell by cell, find valid stops and have them approved. Next time i walk there it stops and gyms.
Guilty pleasure. Its more fun get POI accepted than the game itself 
Personal Goal: Become a Wayfarer Ambassador and help my community and others to improve and add more wayspots to share local interesting places and history.
Our long-term goal: is to get 9 gyms in our park we play at and host events for our community.
We already have 7 and will get 8th with only 2 more poi to get through.
Short-term Goal: to get our Campfire group growth and have our 2nd CA approval.
Long-term Goal: work with various entities and organisations to try and get some more attention and resources and infrastructure provided to assist and improve our community areas.
Hidden long term goal: to educate more players about nominating wayspots. Improving their playing areas and creating locations that people want to come to.
Working on strategies and planning how to achieve this. Collaboration with other community leaders
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