Please add that in Wayfarer criteria

Please add the content from the content of the ineligible location, place, or object among the reject criteria of Wayfarer criteria.

Currently, the location is private housing (even if it is historical), farmland, kindergarten to high school (kindergarten, elementary school, middle school/high school), daycare center/elderly welfare center, rehabilitation center, and shelter.

This includes exterior facing, fences in these positions, and property boundaries.

Because there is no such content, the corresponding boundaries, such as fences or wall murals, are constantly being nominated.

It’s not clearly marked in the Wayfarer criteria, but if the Wayfarer community defines this, it’s just a definition that no one knows.

In fact, I still don’t understand that except for the entrances to the above content, it’s just a boundary, and any special murals or objects on unrelated fences or walls can’t be Wayspot candidates.

It’s a safe walk for people to walk on roads with fences and walls.
And there are murals and paintings that anyone can see as they pass by.
Likewise, it can’t get in the way of an emergency.

If there are no fences and walls. And there is a safe walk around. If there is a Wayspot candidate there, would it be rejected because it is a K-12?

K-12 is not eligible, but why does university qualify?
Are you discriminating between minors and adults?

I posted the same thing last time.
It is only defined by the community, and the official Wayfarer standard is still not clearly stated for the boundary fence or wall.

If that doesn’t add to the official Wayfarer criteria I personally think Wayspot should be a candidate if it’s attractive enough except around that doorway.

This information is available on the Wayfarer site under Help > Criteria > Forum Criteria Discussions Library

Is that what you mean?

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If you look at the photo (based on Wayfarer’s official site), there is nothing related to the boundary point such as fence or wall in the content of k-12.

@PkmnTrainerJ was directing you to this link also found on the official website. The help pages and the tooltips may provide extra information where the main criteria pages might not provide in detail.

You are supposed to be raising the issue. But maybe it’s because I don’t speak English natively, but it reads like you are talking in a way that could be taken as either of the following two ways. It reads as if you are raising the issue that the single-family residential and K-12 sections of the Wayfarer’s Help rejection criteria should clearly state that they also include walls and fences that are boundary walls and fences. But on the other hand, it also reads as if you are saying that walls and fences that are accessible from the outside should be excluded from the rejection criteria because they are not described in that section.
Which is it?

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You translated both clearly.

Most users who are new to Wayfarer do not check the Help tab.

It is a method of reviewing the conformity, approval, or rejection criteria and content guidelines through the reference tab on Wayfarer’s official site.

At this time, we don’t know if the system is maintained to proceed with the test and then review once it passes.
In the past, we had to check the above and pass the test to proceed with the review.

Most users check the criteria and do not refer to the Help tab.

So, if that standard is not clearly included in the rejection, I would think that in a special case, I could be a candidate for Wayspot.

How many of the users who review Wayfarer see the forum-based discussion library in the help?
On the contrary, there will be far more users who apply for Wayspot based on the Wayfarer criteria (Niantic Wayfarer) based on the criteria of conformity, approval, and rejection.

If you’re talking about the New Onboarding & Review Flow. There should be a little info presentation pages before unlocking the reviews and nomination feature.

Most do not even check the criteria IMO. That would be why discussions and questions are encouraged. The links are there to serve as reference towards why a certain decision is reached or to clarify what is not covered by the main criteria pages.

There are even tidbits about location pins, edits, and photos that is expounded within the help pages. It is not an excuse to shrug them off as not applicable.

I do agree that there must be more improvements regarding the conformity and synchronization of each page. We also have to address that there are nuances towards reflecting the real world, making a database out of it within legal and logistical limits, and communication.

Without official confirmation why a certain guideline exist, we can approximate the intent. Blurry information is not an excuse not to go by guidelines, published in multiple pages. In cases unsure, the “skip” is available.

I don’t know the Ingress, but for PokemonGO, if you achieved level 37, you had to pass the Wayfarer Dutorial exam to use the review and contribution (apply).
I don’t know if the Dutorial exam is being maintained yet, because I’m passing and using it back in the day.

Normally, as I mentioned above, through the reference page, the conformity, approval, rejection criteria, and content guidelines were the only part of the Dutorial examination.

If you look at it as a business, the contents of the reference tab are the guidelines for the business.
The Help tab is not even looked up by many people because it feels like a commentary on a business rather than a guide.

That’s why I said it should be more clearly marked on the reference tab that more people see.

Im of the belief that if people care about what they are submiting, and want to make sure they are actually doing more than creating a game item, that they will look into all this information. Thats what I did when I first started this process. I dug into the Criteria Clarification Collection and read through this: Top Mistakes Made When Nominating and How to Acoid Them. I also did read through the sites additional pages. Its definitely up to the desire of the individual on whether or not they care enough to learn more. We could cram a large exam on people instead of a simple test and we would still have the same issue. Yes some might come out better educated while others still wont care and submit whatever they wish was a game thing. Clarification is good but I dont think we need to have all the detail and legalese in every single place. Anyways, if that happened Id doubt the people in question would even read it let alone follow it. To many submit things just to see if it will go. Ive even seen people submit things like stop signs with “Testing” as descriptions…(all these were reported)

I think most PokĂŠmon GO users are only interested in applying for Wayspot candidates.
Few users know and submit Wafarer with interest.
Just to make Wayspot that appears in the field, I think most of the users apply randomly when they reach level 37.

Of course, there are people who are interested in Wayfarer and check with the community like me, and are more interested in making Wayspot than in Pokémon GO games, but…
I think less than 1% of those users are.

I’m a user who passed Wayfarer’s test and used it when I first created Wayspot in Pokémon GO.
I don’t know if this test is still going on right now.
I remember that the test was difficult.

That’s why I thought it was necessary to strengthen the explanation in Wayfarer’s reference tab, which is easier to get in and see than the official community.
I wrote it above, but I think help is a commentary on the content of the reference tab, so I think most users will see more of the reference tab.
Even if most users check, look at the Reference tab. Should we look at the Help tab?

When you press the Criteria tab, the conformity criteria, approval criteria, rejection criteria, and content guidelines are clearly displayed.
But if you tap help, you’ll be more reluctant to check because there’s so much content and tabs to click on.

Ambassador Polling said above, but most don’t even check IMO standards. I feel the same way.
Therefore, I wrote this because there is a need to strengthen the test and reference tab.

Just FYI, there is no longer a test that you need to pass before reviewing and nominating. It was replaced a while back with a few screens of material that briefly explain the criteria.


Thank you for the information.
I think the test should be carried out again, but rather strengthened.

I think most PokĂŠmon GO users are only interested in applying for Wayspot candidates.
Few users know and submit Wafarer with interest.
Just to make Wayspot that appears in the field, I think most of the users apply randomly when they reach level 37.

Of course, there are people who are interested in Wayfarer and check with the community like me, and are more interested in making Wayspot than in Pokémon GO games, but…
I think less than 1% of those users are.

I’m a user who passed Wayfarer’s test and used it when I first created Wayspot in Pokémon GO.
I don’t know if this test is still going on right now.
I remember that the test was difficult.

That’s why I thought it was necessary to strengthen the explanation in Wayfarer’s reference tab, which is easier to get in and see than the official community.
I wrote it above, but I think help is a commentary on the content of the reference tab, so I think most users will see more of the reference tab.
Even if most users check, look at the Reference tab. Should we look at the Help tab?

When you press the Criteria tab, the conformity criteria, approval criteria, rejection criteria, and content guidelines are clearly displayed.
But if you tap help, you’ll be more reluctant to check because there’s so much content and tabs to click on.

Ambassador Polling said above, but most don’t even check IMO standards. I feel the same way.
Therefore, I wrote this because there is a need to strengthen the test and reference tab.

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