
i want add a POI near to my street becouse we are a lots of player but not have pokestop near.

I applied more than 30 POI and all of times are rejected.

Please can you help me to have a pokestop near?


Welcome to the Forum @flage82

If you could share a few of your nominations we may be able to give you some tips on how to improve them. Or at least let you know why they were denied. You can take screenshots from your Nominations page so we can see the Title, Description, main photo, supporting photo and Support information. Oh and it should also show the rejection reason.

We would like to help :slight_smile:

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As suggested by LetsRollGirl, please post some of your rejected nominations. If you are comfortable doing so, please can you also share your general location and we can try and help suggest a few places you can submit.

As well as good POI’s, it also helps to have a great title, description and supporting information. With us seeing what you have nominated, we may be able to see if the nominations are great or not. If they are eligible, we may be able to see why they were rejected and help you improve on the images.

I’m moving this to Nomination Support because that’s where we can provide help on how to submit something eligible.

But keep in mind that many areas just don’t have anything that meets Wayfarer criteria. That is unfortunately the case in a lot of neighborhoods/estates that have nothing but single family homes with no shared public spaces.


In the last 2 months i tried to insert a lots of POIs nbut alwais rejected … in my city a lots of road sign are pokestop but the road sign near to our street is alwais reject. i need improve comment or other in your idea?

You shouldn’t judge what’s nearby as what’s acceptable.

Criteria may have changed since they got approved or they may have been approved in error by the ML system.

You have to think about why the things you nominate are one of these:

  • A great place for exploration
  • A great place for exercise
  • A great place for being social with others

Not just a place where you can do that but a great place for it.

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It looks like you live in a neighborhood with apartment buildings or condominiums. I would expect many of these to have communal amenities. You could nominate playgrounds, pools, exercise equipment, or things like that in the shared areas of these buildings.

I would also look for churches and parks in the larger area.

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