Pokestops não aceitos

Estou extremamente decepcionada pq simplesmente TODAS as pokestops que enviei são válidas e ainda assim são recusadas! No bairro em que moro temos poucas paradas e pensando em ajudar os outros jogadores eu enviei 5, mas todas foram recusadas! Duas delas foram solicitadas por outro jogador e foi aceita… A Niantic pede ajuda dos jogadores, mas os faz de palhaços…

I understand you are upset. If you would like to post one of your rejected nominations here, we may be able to help you understand why it was rejected and suggest ways to improve the nomination if you resubmit it.


Tem como mandar elas para que possamos ajudar?

Hello and welcome @eutaniaoliveira
You have come to the correct place if you would like some help.
Submitting wayspots to try and create new places in a game can be frustrating but there are people here happy to help.
If you can post
the main and supplementary photo
Title, description and supplementary text
And if you are confortable the location.
We will help with those and sometimes we are able to make further suggestions.