Pokegym Selection

Hey everyone i hope you all doing well. I want to ask you guys some questions.

When nominating a pokegym we all know that you need at least 2 pokestops for 1st gym nomination. The way to nominate a pokegym is either random or some people have made some contribution to the first pokestop.

When nominating 2nd pokegym. You need nominate 6 Waypoints. The main concern i have is… if i want to nominate a 2nd pokegym. Is there a way to know which 2nd pokegym should be nominate as a level 37 player?

According to my groupchat you have to make contribution to the pokestop like getting the most upvotes in your pokestops for them to be nominated as pokegym. If the votes are tie then pokegym selection are Random

Now i wanna know if this is all true or not? Im new to this and im good at nominating pokestops.
If this is not true can someone explain how pokegym selection works?

Thank you

  • Faisal

Welcome to the forum @Faisalkhan12500

This is about Pokemon Go and not Wayfarer, so I expect this topic to be closed. But there was a post on the old forum asking why liking a Pokestop was not working to make it turn into a gym. Niantic replied that trying to manipulate which becomes a gym is abuse. I used to use that method successfully before they made that statement.

They have not said that adding extra photos and liking them is abuse.

Fyi: In my experience, Showcase Pokestops will not become gyms, no matter how many votes they have. One I know of had 97 votes and did not become a gym. A pokestop with just some extra photos but no votes did instead.

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