PokeStop Cincinnati

I submitted a Pokèstop almost a week ago, and am just curious as to how long is generally takes.

Any advise on how to improve it is also greatly appreciated.


Welcome! There are a few points here:

-First, having no stops around is not part of any wayfarer criteria. If you make game references in title or description, it even has to be rejected.

If you do it in the supporting information, that’s not really allowed either and may negatively impact the voting result.

-Second, there is a mixture of AI, human staff and human community reviewing.
It looks like your nomination went into community voting, which can take weeks, months or even years. Rule of thumb: if you have a big density of Wayspots on the region, you are looking at longer times

-third, Upgrade Next is only a mark up to assign an upgrade right away when you earned one by reviewing other contributions yourself. As is, it has no effect on the speed of your nomination.

I would recommend turning off automatic upgrades in the Wayfarer website settings though, because then you can choose freely when and what to upgrade

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Hi and welcome to the forum! Completely agree with all the points made above, and indeed I would rework your supporting info while it hasn’t gone into voting yet (unfortunately since it is marked “Upgrade Next” you can’t put it on Hold while you write or rewrite). Even outside of the Pokémon GO references which you should definitely remove (yes I know the game isn’t very clear on what this field is for), I am not sure what you are saying with it being restored? Are you talking about this wayspot previously being removed, or the object itself? I would clarify that part.

Generally, the supporting information field would be better used to convey how the object meets criteria, or how to verify its location, or how to verify any of your other claims.

I agree with what has been said. I would reword the description to be more relevant to what the fountain is about… things like the history, as an example.

I think it’s a credible nomination, but needs some tweaks.

Thank you all, it was accepted ! :smile:
I’m not sure how long it takes to appear but i’m very happy!


Give it up to 48 hours.
If after that, it still doesn’t appear, it meets the wayfarer criteria and got accepted into the database, but does not meet Pokémon GOs inclusion rules and can not be brought to that game.

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