Agree that the soccer and softball fields are eligible, but a disc golf course can only have one Wayspot.
Both sports are great ways to exercise and socialize. Wayfarer regards the whole course/play area in each sport as one field of play. This means there should be one Wayspot, which could be the first tee or a marker at the start to represent the whole course. The individual start and end points of each section of the course should not be submitted. There is potential that other qualifying objects exist within the large area of a course. If individually eligible these may be submitted for consider…
I would recommend checking out our tips on rural nominations. You never know what you’ll find! And feel free to post your rejected nomination in Nomination Support , to see if there is anything you can approve upon.
Tips for Rural Nominators:
Look for things that meet the guidelines that tend to be in rural areas:
Fraternal orders and veteran outposts
Eligible points of interest AT churches, veterans posts, etc. Look for picnic shelters, ball fields, prayer gardens, Little Free Libraries, and religious sculptures and shrines.
Community Centers, libraries, post offices and or town offices where public meetings are held
Town parks, sports fields, playgrounds, picnic shelters so long as in public s…
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