Portal on Private Condo, why it exists?

This portal is on a private condo, it’s only serves to get red… and if any facction live there, it’s a unreacheable portal anyway… why?

Welcome to the forum @Seguwuk

Wayspots do not have to be accessible to everyone, only to those who are allowed to be there. It appears to be in a common space for that community, so it is an eligible location.


Even so only one single faction has access to it?
Or none, making a Red portal that shots links to other places?

So if 3 agents coordinate and make a megafield inside some private place. The other team will have to BUY an appartment to get the field down?

Wayfarer is game agnostic. It doesn’t matter that one team or player could have an advantage. The Wayfarer database is used by many products.


Game play is separate from the wayfarer database.

There is nothing in the assessment for suitability that says everyone must be able to access.
I appreciate that in certain games this will make certain wayspots have a strategic value, but that I’d not the concern of wayfarer.


You could also try befriending someone from that complex and visiting their place. Then you get a new friend!