Schumacher -Weisel

Schumacher -Weisel

Brooklyn NY USA

This is an example of Private Residential Property and needs to be removed as a portal.
In fact remove the whole cemetery except for the train station directly above the cemetery and the front gate because every single portal inside the cemetery violates private residential property rules.

I am confused. How is a cemetery SFPRP (single family private residential property)?

I do not think cemetery Wayspots are appropriate and will not submit them myself, but I don’t see how this could be “residential” property.

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While this is clearly not single family private residential property, i agree that these family crypts don’t appear to be eligible to me. But Niantic can read the submissions for them to see what reasoning was used for them. Maybe someone in the family was famous.

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Private ( someone paid for the plot) residential property ( forever resting place for the dead).

My box has at least one unscrupulous piece of work that is win at all costs.

Words have meaning, and that’s not what single family private residential property means. Don’t spoil your good attempt to get what is probably an ineligible wayspot removed by using faulty logic. Stick to the actual rules of Wayfarer, and you will have better results.

Also, i have no idea what the second statement means. No one “wins” Wayfarer. If you’re approaching Wayfarer with that mindset, you might need to step back because you’ve turned a mapping initiative meant to help the community into an antagonistic pursuit.


Local famous, possible, but still because of private Residential Property issues none of them except for obvious exceptions, Eternal flame in Arlington Virginia comes to mind quickest, cannot be considered for portal status.
Yet in my box I have win at all costs who will overlook such niceties.

If you are reporting this as a sensitive area, then I am on your side. But you might have better luck talking to the cemetery management if you think these should not be in game here. If the property owners request removal, Niantic does it. There is an easy to fill out form available at the top of this site, but I usually just tell them to search for the form online since most people don’t trust links strangers give them these days. I can usually find an email on a website that gets to the right person.

I have no idea what you mean by this.


That is exactly the problem a particular agent in my box is having and must have their way at all times.

Oh NOW I get why you want this gone

Ingress faction wars should not be fought through Wayfarer removal requests.


If “in my box” refers to some kind of gaming thing, it doesnt belong here on the Wayfarer forums.


My box equals the literal play area, the . You have a play box that you play in. Look in scores and you will have the boundaries of your box and the amount of MU controlled by each faction within said playbox.

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oh the cells!

So, let me translate for the old people who don’t happen to play Ingress:

“My immediate area has at least one person who plays too aggressively.”

That is not how I interpreted this sentence at all when I first read it.

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Yes, this is yet another malicious report from @mirthmaker EXPLICITLY because I use those portals in Ingress. Look at his post history in this forum(and the old forum), pretty much every single message is in some way related to portals I use in Ingress.

I’m sorry, but am I not supposed to play the game using the mechanics of the game? Am I not supposed to capture portals, make links and fields? Yes I want everything to be blue and fielded over… That’s the whole point of Ingress. :person_facepalming:

SFPRP relates to houses, not graveyards. I am seriously lost for words.

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You’re playing the game. Niantic put a no cemetery portals order in a long time ago and you are usurping that.

P1dg3yslayer: A grave is someone’s ultimate private house.

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Cemetery staff seen me many times and I talked to them many times and they know me perfectly well.
Also I have loved ones berried in this cemetery so HOW DARE YOU to tell me that I’m not allowed to go there!