Promenade Marker Rejected as "Generic Business"

I would really appreciate to find out why this submission get denied?
What is the difference between the submission and the featured wayspots?
If trail markers are distinct and can be a spot, why is this not?
Shall I appeal this rejection?


You got different reviewers from that featured wayspot.

And your subject is something reviewers can’t agree on.

The rejection reason you should probably focus on, is that people didn’t think it was distinct. Which is similar to saying it is generic.

If something that looks like that is an ordinary street sign (so just common infrastructure) then it is not valid.

The three acceptance criteria are a great place to socialize, explore, or exercise.

If it’s a hiking trail sign, it’s great for exercise. When that’s the case, it’s best to specifically say that in your nomination.

If the sign is about a biking trail - that’s harder because nominations must be pedestrian friendly. That can be difficult to prove, if it’s just a road.

Hello and welcome,

Unfortunately, there are some reviewers out there that believe the best way to ensure a nomination is rejected is to reject for Appropriate and choose one of the reasons provided, which Generic Business being used the most.

This is not what Niantic has actually told us, as they have said to downvote on 1 of the first 4 questions. I myself downvote more on Permanent and Distinct, which some reviewers did in your case, as you received the Temp/Seasonal and Not Distince reasoning.

Being that you just provided your title and main photo, it’s hard to say how to improve on this, or if it’s worth another attempt. Are you willing to provide the description, supporting info/photo, as well as the location? This would help us to know if this is something eligible.

Personally, I wouldn’t be the best person to ask about markers, being I’ve never submitted one.

Hello and welcome @ZeroLouise00

The promenade at Morecombe is a great place to visit.
I can’t tell exactly what is on your marker sign.
There are guidelines about trail markers

There is a distinction between those helping to define a specific route such as the one you have shown that was featured. These encourage getting out and exploring. It is the trail that is the important not the marker which simply indicates where it is.
Compared to a direction sign which simply indicates where you might want to go for specific places, eg toilets, a bus station etc.
if your sign has specific information about a route or trail then focus on that if it is more of a direction sign then it is likely to get rejected.

Do you happen to know where this is documented? If not, I’ll search for it, but if you happen to have it handy, it’ll save me a few mental cycles.

However, considering that “Generic business” does show up in one of the first four questions, it seems like that selection matches their recommendation. At least as you presented here.

I have it bookmarked: