Ratings making me sad - they have dropped because of the challenge

It’s probably an internal math logic error with edits. We used to get edits infrequently, so any math bug didn’t make much difference. Now we got a ton of edits, so it is amplified.

Niantic Wayfarer says
“Reviews of Wayspot Edits are not counted as Agreements at this time.”

So somewhere, I’ll bet edits reviewed are added to a numerator, but their agreements are not added to the denominator… Or some kind of math mess.
Maybe something comes out with a negative number, which is not handled, so is treated as a positive number - which affects rating.


Thanks for bringing this up. I was not aware. It would certainly explain a lot if this is the source of the rating drops

But do not all have the same basic?
So every rating has to went down, or?

It would depend on how many reviews you had done of each kind, how many agreeements from non edits, and how close you were to a rating boundary Id imagine…

So if someone was very firmly in great with like 10,000 reviews completed and they did 500 edits, it might not show much for them, but for me with 4600 reviews completed before the challenge and doing 650 or so challenge reviews then I did see an impact?

Of course we dont know the answer directly from Niantic but it makes sense this could be an issue hence why we had issues for this challenge specifically vs all challenges

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I did around 1,100 reviews in the challenge.

380 were location edits.
370 were photo edits.

I’ve remained in great but my Processed and Agreement has dropped by 10% to 58%.

I’m not sure what that means but I hope you like numbers.


Do you calculate this with your profil infos, or pogo agreement counter?

How do you know what has been processed?
Seems not great to have a 10% drop!!

Wayfarer tools :slight_smile:

I meant, what is the basic for your agreement percentage?

Oh sorry, don’t mentioned, or replied to @26thDoctor

Maybe it shows that too?
Seems I’m missing out on lots by not having this stuff installed but making any changes to my phone software scares me as I can’t get past feeling it is risky

Sorry, I’m not understanding what you are asking :upside_down_face:

Here is what I currently have installed. The most useful for me are

Review Timer - Let’s you set a time before you can press submit. I have mine at 25 seconds and haven’t received a cooldown for more than a year.

Original Location - Highlights the current location of the Wayspot when you have a location edit.

Review History - Self explanatory.

Lots of tweaks and add ons that are handy by also I’m sure others find much more useful than me.


Ok. I try my best, but I’m a bit on the run now.
There is way 1(profil info))
Accepted + Rejected + Dups/reviews
Or 2)
Pogo medal counting/reviews

For me the gap is drastic

There is clearly something else that isnt shown on the standard profile page, because the in game agreements badge is higher than the sum of agreements on the profile page. I dont know what the missing ones are though.

Does this help?

Current medal count

Buuuuuut just to be annoying and confuse you :sweat_smile:



How come the Go medal in the video is so high?


Pre-account reset :slight_smile:

An I misunderstanding that the 700ish location and photo edits didn’t count for anything during the challenge?

Apart from them being cleared from the system?

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Seems that way

I’m guessing that’s what trashed my rating

Thanks :blush:
I understand…
the most …

the wheel of percentage goes round and round


I guess this is why reviewing daily since the challenge ended hasn’t fixed anything. It was not that I had just dropped under a threshold and could somehow review my way out of it… it’s that Ive dropped off a cliff with no way back up for months

You’re talking about “good” right?