Ratings making me sad - they have dropped because of the challenge

Just an FYI as to what the help pages say in the Your Wayfarer Profile in regards to ratings:

Your Explorer rating will improve as the number of decisions you agree with grows, and your performance rating may be lowered if you have too many Disagreements. Your rating may also decrease if abuse of the Wayfarer platform is detected. If your performance is poor, please take the time to re-evaluate how you are analyzing nominations based on our acceptance criteria.

Can’t say if this applies to anyone reporting a drop in ratings here, but I thought I’d post it.

Hi there, as you can see from the the picture I’ve done a lot of reviews (with about a roughly 70% agreement rate). I’ve always been at the ‘Great’ level. Now all of sudden in the space of a couple of weeks it has plunged to ‘Poor’ sadly (without my voting style changing). Has something changed in the grand scheme of maneuver which has affected my rating? Or is there a bug in the system? Has this happened to any other Wayfarers recently? I would love to know your thoughts.


Agree, looks like there’s some issue wayfarer rating after wayfarer challenge. Can solve on this problem on this one? (I got wayfarer great to good.)

There is an open bug report about this here:


My rating dropped from good to fair a while before the challenge, probably because i was turning down basic directional signs for a while, out of spite for there being SO many…

I reconsidered, and took a more individual approach to all reviews. Is the photo nice to look at and not too dark, is the object in the area photo, are there many wayports in this area or is it a hard place to find something more obvious (in Ingress you sometimes need portals between towns to be able to link), is the description correct, is the additional info helping, is this a lazy nomination or did the player really put some effort in it, choose the correct category etc. And yes, I approved quite a few benches and cemeteries.

My rating was great and stayed great during the entire challenge. Although because of the time and attention that takes, the many bugs and having to work a lot I only did a little over 1500.

My theory is that if you turn down almost everything without really thinking it through just to get as many as you can, your rating will drop like crazy. But that is just a theory.


Maybe it has something to do with my experience that edit reviews are counted towards the total nominations reviewed. I have mentioned it in this thread:

Me aprobaron havec 3 días una propuesta mire en página oficial la celda y esa celda está libre y no lo han puesto alguien sabe por k

Please see the Bug Reports & Technical Support section.
Our understanding is that the games teams have not synced their database of wayspots to the main wayfarer database for several days, possibly because of specific events that are happening or about to happen.

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People on Reddit are talking about this as well



My rating never dropped from Great during the challenge - i did about 1500 reviews and really pushed during the Mexico/Brazil portion trying to meet the community tiers. But yesterday it dropped from Great to Good for a few hours. I stopped doing reviews, and it went back up. Based on my updates to the Wayfarer Discussion Discord, it is when I started reviewing in these later countries that I stopped getting agreements. I assume these didn’t have time to resolve, and are unlikely to anytime soon if they don’t have enough reviewers.


Mine is still at good, a week on. I have seen my upgrade counter tick up a lot, but hardly any agreements came in, and I have kind of lost hope that it will recover.

Mine actually went from okay to great thanks to it.
Honestly the whole criteria and whatever is just a game, and you gotta learn how to play it, its a complete joke to me, but whatever idc.
Only the first picture matters, misspelling or poor effort etc doesnt matter, and you have to follow the criteria, even though it maybe a park, you hit yes to social, exercise and no to explore, explore is only for idk paintings, murals, historical things, and maybe some unique stores.
Also, little free libraries are supposedly a place to socialize from the criteria so mark yes on that, and some random trail marker sign in the middle of nowhere, you hit exercise on that and accept.
Honestly im only here for 393 more agreements and im out, this whole thing is just a completely random nonsensical game that you have to agree with or you get punished.
Theres just way too many approved spots that make no sense to me whatsoever especially when the criteria says it shouldnt exist, thats my biggest issue, its completely random from what ive gathered.

The problem with this is that many of the wayfarers having these issues have thousands of agreements and a long history of being “great” where this is their only drop to a different level, which is why it feels so discouraging and worrying

I have “only” done 5,500 reviews, and that would be considered on the very low side for people experiencing these issues who have commented on the past week or 2


Just wondering if anyone’s ratings have changed since the challenge reward upgrades were added today, as my approval rate went up about 4%.

I’m also facing the same problem. My rating suddenly dropped just before the wayfarer challenge took place. From great it dropped to poor. Although I participated in the challenge with poor rating and reviewed over 500 nominations. Now my rating is fair. The more frustrating thing is that my Reacon Badge didn’t progress as it was poor or fair now. I’m still frustrated about it.

Similar situation here. Prior to this event, my rating hass never been lower than Great. I checked today to upgrade 3 recent portal submissions in queue and saw that my rating was now “Good.” I’m pretty miffed because I take reviewing pretty seriously.

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Thank you for the report. We are looking into this and will follow-up with an update in a few days.


Hello! Similar situation here. My rating has always been “Great” during the last few years, and now during the Challenge, it started to gradually drop until it reached “Poor” (I have reviewed 502 nominations/edits in total for this challenge). I have been trying to review local nominations now to boost it up but so far it doesn’t seem to change (but maybe my local reviews are still in voting). I have nearly 7000 nominations reviewed (this is all time, not for the challenge) with a % of Agreements ~47%. I have no idea if the % matters or what logic is behind it - I and some local agents compared stats after the challenge (because it seemed everyone’s rating had worsened after the challenge) and we couldn’t find logic between % of Agreements and rating.
I’m also beginning to wonder if edits have started to count as agreements as I saw mentioned above - because if so, the situations where you have to choose among 5 location suggestions for a single wayspot, a title edit and a description edit - I don’t know what exactly the requirement will be to count it as one agreement :slight_smile:


I’m not sure if everyone understood me, so I decided to create a screen recording showing the total count of nominations reviewed before and after an edit: plus1.mp4 - Google Drive

You’ll see my total was 5831 before, with an additional one after the edit. Has it always been like this?

I’ve done many reviews since the challenge, hoping to improve my rating after I dropped during the challenge. However, if this only worsens my ratio of agreements, I’m worried I might be doing the wrong thing by continuing with these reviews right now.

I also had surprising ratings drops, but I don’t think I can blame the challenge :smile: I’ve always been Great - like once I got there I’ve never fallen below. I noticed it drop to Good - right before the challenge (maybe a few days before). During the challenge it got as low as Fair, which was quite shocking. Currently back to Good. My agreement percentage never really changed much - but I know there’s more to it than just the agreements.

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