Rejected portal location edit: E区钟楼

  • Wayspot Title: E区钟楼

  • Location (lat/lon):31.068616,120.968811

  • City:Shanghai

  • Country:China

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):

The correct location can be verified using GaoDe satellite maps and Baidu satellite maps. However, the satellite imagery on Google Maps is outdated.

Snapshot from GaoDe Maps (

  • The blue dot represents my current location.
  • The red arrow points to the correct location.
  • Since there is no direct way to attach coordinates on GaoDe Maps, please manually navigate to the relevant location for verification.

Snapshot from Baidu Maps(with coordinates attached 百度地图):

You don’t appeal rejected edits in this category. You can appeal them from your contributions page.

What I would do is ask help chat to do this edit. Go to Niantic Wayfarer where you can present this evidence.

But you can’t attach support materials in the appeal form.

Thank you, I’ll try the chat way.

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Hi! Indeed as @cyndiepooh said, this category cannot be used for community rejections. I moved this to the General Discussion category. You are welcome to try one of the methods suggested above instead with your evidence.

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