Removal Appeal

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Trailmarker Hälsans stig
  • Location (lat/lon): N56.195730, E 12.580887
  • City: Höganäs
  • Country: Sweden
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): It just was removed AGAIN for the third time now. It has been approved at least 3 times
  • Additional Information (if any): Fairlight166,
    Tack för din Wayspot-nominering Halsans stig trailmarker den 18 sep. 2024!
    Grattismeddela att vår community har beslutat att accepteradin Wayspot-nominering. Läs alla detaljer på din sida för Bidragshantering på.

Kom ihåg att inte alla accepterade nomineringar dyker upp i alla Niantic-spel (och det kan ta upp till 48 timmar innan de visas). Du får portalnyckeln och 1000 AP om denna Wayspot läggs till i Ingress och portalen registreras som ett unikt portalbesök i din agentprofil. Nomineringar som avvisas av vår community är också inte slutgiltiga! Dessa nomineringar kan överklagas till Niantic en gång via din sida för Bidragshantering.

Dina vänner,

Someone likes to remove it but its there and has been approved several times

Thanks for the appeal, @fairlight166. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to restore the Wayspot in question.

Hello again. Today the portal was removed AGAIN, but someone. Would it be possible for you to put back the portal and make it permanent in some way and warn/ban the user who removes the portal time and time now for the 5:th time.
Manye thanks

Hi there! I’ve escalated this to the relevant team. I’ll share any updates as soon as I receive them.

1 Like

We’ve restored the Wayspot in question. Thanks!


Hello It was removed for the 6:th thime again today. Would you please look in to this portal again and reinstate it again please.
Kind regards

The portal was removed again for the 6:th time now by probably the same user [player name redacted] again. Would you plase look into this and reinstate it again, and look in to how this portal is removed time and time again?

Mod edit to remove an ID.