Wayspot removal appeal

The portal has been removed possibly by opposite team 6 times now. It has been reinstaled 5 times by Niantic support

  • Wayspot Title: TYrailmarker Hälsans Stig

  • Location (lat/lon): 56.1957197523762, 12.580882414893377

  • City: Höganäs

  • Country: Sweden

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): No email, it was just removed today for the 6:th time.

  • Additional Information (if any): It has been reinstated 5 times by niantic support team

Mod edit to remove assumptions around removal.

This links to

You had reopened this. To keep things simple I have closed that topic as it is not helpful to have 2 running in parallel.

Please avoid stating as fact assumptions about why it has been removed.

Are your coordinates correct? When I looked, it is someone’s house.

You will need to present evidence that this marker is still there and is in an eligible location. The only markers I see on street view near that location are the kind of markers that Niantic has been removing.

Yes its in the street , its on a street pole just outside the garden as its the citys trailmarker sign
56.19570287824002, 12.580878805693542 according to google maps. Just on Skiffergatan , NOT in anyones garden. I do not understand why it was removed its in public place

I will take a couple of photos of the trailmarker tonight (could be a little dark pictures, but I think you can see it)

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While I can’t determine if the marker is located on sfprp (because I’m not familiar with land ownership in Sweden), this does appear to be an official Path of Health trail marker put in in partnership with the municipality and the Swedish Heart and Lung Association.

That’s helpful because it’s not there on Google Maps street view. Probably just old.

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Its the citys lightpole and the city has put up the trailmarkers. Its on city property as the pole is just outside the garden limits but the hedge grows out in the street

Any news on the restore of the portal? Many thanks

I’ve escalated your concern to the relevant team and will provide an update as soon as it’s available. Thank you for your patience.

Many thanks for your kind assistance

We’ve restored the Wayspot in question. Thanks again for flagging this!