In the last 6 to 8 months we have had over 90 state survey markers removed from game in ingress and Pokemon go from the Albion park and Shellharbour areas they where all in game and someone just started to remove them and we have lost over 90 of them and more keep getting removed each week example of one state survey marker 97821 and so many others. Each week we lose more and other weeks nothing happens.
Hello and welcome @thezonetop50
There was a clarification provided about survey markers
Are you in Australia? There were a lot of survey markers submitted there.
Would you like to provide a couple of examples so we can look at the issue.
We will need wayspot title and location.
Yes in Australia
That is what they look like all got approved when they where eligible and people where accepting them now they have started to remove them as someone has made it there mission as they don’t like them some of the first ones removed where in ingress only due to the rules for stops and gyms in pogo
When were they “eligible”?
I was under the impression that they can be eligible in the right circumstances.
Maybe the example from @thezonetop50 does not meet eligibility. But I just want to make sure we aren’t saying that all survey markers aren’t acceptable.
Yes, you are correct. Im talking in the context of Australia specifically.
At one point they where all getting up then niantic siad that the disc ones that are mass produced where no longer acceptable but the other ones that where in trails and peaks where still good my complaint is that they where approved and that someone is mass removing them I Mena if they where not acceptable in the first place why did they get accepted
99.9% or more of all Australian State Survey Marks fail to meet the Niantic Criteria. Mass produced. Generic. Non unique. More often in dangerous positions on the road kerb, gutter, road surface, driveways etc
If you can show the nomination in full including address and supporting photo that shows the nomination in situ. Then perhaps more guidance can be given. However at a high level based on the evidence presented here and following Niantic Criteria guidelines it is hard to say anymore
@LetsRollGirl without getting into an argument on this. There are over 1 million survey marks of the style thezone is talking about. 1 to 3 inch metal disk nailed to the ground. Every 200 yards apart in built up areas and up to 2K apart on road systems away from towns etc. This style of mark is also used by the railway systems, councils, utility services, cemeteries etc Just to give you some idea of the scale these POIs represent in some areas 100% of all POIs are just these. There are numerous actors who work very hard to get as many of these into Wayfarer.
Yes there are some very few state survey marks that can make the mustard. If these are some of those - we can only tell if @thezonetop50 posts the full nominations and we can tell.
And for the time being I am going to focus on this very specific style of survey mark.
Because the community just ran away with it without considering criteria whatsoever. It was a huge problem there that should have been cut early on.
I am not adept at the survey markers, I fully admit that. That is why I’ve been following this topic. I just wanted to clarify what Rolli had said.
I appreciate the background you have added. And will save this for times when I review survey markers… or find one that may be eligible to nominate
It sounds like this may be similar to Niantic pulling vandalism from the games. They don’t want to keep graffiti that is unsanctioned.
It surprises the local community when it happens, but should never have been approved in the first place.
Though sanctioned street art is allowed, but it comes with a higher bar for the nominators to show that it is eligible.
Most of the ones around me where on the council nature strip next to a footpath but I can’t show you one of them as all the ones next to a footpath on the council nature strip around me got removed
I should also have said welcome to the community. Be assured we are only talking about the object criteria for this style of mark.
This community is very good at looking at areas and trying to find opportunities for a waypoint and with helping existing nominations. I know sometimes that can be hard in suburbs (particularly the poorly designed Australian suburbs).
But hey if you and your local community want help don’t hesitate in reaching out in the nomination or general discussion forums.
Both Albion Park and Shellharbour have a host of POIs already and there are many more waiting to be nominated. Sure they will not be survey marks outside most houses but there are plenty of opportunities to grow the way points in the area.
If anyone is interested. These are two suburbs south of Wollongong. Shellharbour sits on the Pacific Ocean with a small regional park to its south. With Albion is a bit further inland. With an airport next to it. Farmland to one side.
This was from a post by @Tntnnbltn and gives a really good idea of the type of marks that can past muster. But as you can see these are not state survey marks
There are some survey markers (or similar features) which are significant and do have individual eligibility.
Title: Point Zero
Description: Point Zero was adopted in 1925 as the origin of all WA road measurements.
Location: -31.955898,115.860553
Title: Bunbury Townsite Peg No 1
Description: This is the original site of Survey Peg No 1 for the Bunbury Townsite, placed by surveyor H. M. Ommaney in 1841. The site was commemorated with a plaque in 1988 as part of the Bicentennial celebrations.
Location: -33.327202,115.647818
Title: Cameron Corner
Description: The marker placed at the point where the borders of the three states of NSW, OLD, and SA meet. During summer, walking around the maker results in passing through three different timezones.
Location: -28.999095,140.999251
And this is from the Criteria @elijustrying posted… And is a classic example of the style of mark (this style has a few variations so no one go pedant on me) that @thezonetop50 is talking about.