Removal request of 2 waypoints

Fietsroutebord Middensluis
The Netherlands

Fietsroute 25 Middensluis
The Netherlands

Additional Information:
Land has been permanently removed since Sept 2023 due to a megaproject at the lock complex.

Screenshot+photo of the current situation:

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@mennolente It looks like we haven’t gotten to this request yet or it hasn’t been submitted through in-game. At this time, we only take appeals to overturn decisions we’ve already made.

That location cannot be approached without endangering one’s life, @NianticAtlas.

Wether it has been reported in-game is irrelevant.

It is in the middle of a huge canal with enormous ships passing through, unreachable for sane people without breaking ToS.

For those who are less blessed with sanity, please remove these waypoints.

Look! Impossible to report in-game:

Then use the Wayspot Removals form or the Reporting Abuse form linked at the top here if you can’t access it in game to report that way.

You mean that form where I should decide whether this is a K12 zone, church, or private property? Perhaps a church to Neptune?

Also, this isn’t abuse. I nominated at least one of those two, which were perfectly eligible at the time. I don’t want to risk my good name by flagging my own nomination “abuse”! I don’t want another “educational email”.

I like to use the Reporting Abuse form as it gives better options. Niantic decides if it is abuse, so you aren’t getting anyone in trouble. You can also go ahead and send them that link with the report if you do it that way.

Oh and you can report both Wayspots on one report this way, too.

Perhaps, but I’m not risking it. I’ve seen and heard too many horror stories, even within my own community. I simply can’t risk that. I’m enjoying wayfaring too much: it gets me to places I haven’t even seen, even though I lived here my whole life!

okay then the wayspots stay if you don’t want to report them. maybe someone else will.

fwiw, i have used this report many times with no repercussions for factual reports

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Very well, I’ll give it a go. In case it goes awry, let this be exhibit A in my defense: mens conscia recti! :fist:t2:

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You can report it in Ingress?

Didn’t think of that, I’ll try that as well tomorrow.