When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:
Wayspot Title: A fleur de porte
Location (lat/lon): 47,3839447/0,6806457
Country: France
Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): No rejection email, the waypoint has been removed
Additional Information (if any): This waypoint has been removed without reason. It was here since 2019 and became a gym in pokemon go few weeks ago. I think some players want this arena in an other place and they ask to remove this waypoint.
It is located in a place really not dangerous and represent a very beautiful house which in registrated in french historic monuments.
I added the italics. Being able to touch it from the sidewalk does not matter. If it is on someone’s home as described by SFPRP, then it cannot be a Wayspot. If this is not a single family private residential property, you will need to give Niantic proof of that for your appeal.