It has nothing to do with safety, your assumption that the other players may have requested removal.
You seem to be having a hard time grasping onto the fact that we don’t know why this was removed, we don’t know who requested removal, and we may never know this info, hence why we can’t assume.
I think you’re hung up on the fact that I accused two people of reporting it to bring up a point that it had been walked out to multiple times. I had already said that I shouldn’t have accused them, but the fact still stands it was walked out to.
The original theory for its removal is that it was an unsafe walk, to which I replied there were multiple people fishing off the jetty and taking pictures from it including 2 other agents who walked out to it to kill it.
That was brought up to try to appeal to the “unsafe” allegation of the portal, again ignore the accusation of them reporting it, I shouldn’t have done that, but the point stands that it completely safe.