When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:
Wayspot Title: Siuslaw River Navigation Beacon
Location (lat/lon): 44.019073,-124.146143
City: Florence
Country: Lane
Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): it was removed, I don’t have a rejection email
Additional Information (if any): this portal was illegitimately removed due to being a fairly taxing hike, it is not on a private beach nor is it dangerous, it is near the end of about a 1/2 mile Jetty that is 100% safe to hike during low tide, there is no risk of falling off due to it being about a 25 foot wide Jetty. This portal did not meet any removal criteria’s*
All I see are rocks. If you believe this was the rejection reason, you should provide evidence of this path to help your appeal. I am still not sure how you know the reason this was removed. I only make comments on appeals to help people present their best case, so feel free to ignore my question.
The portal is about 2 hour from me, I have only a selfie of me on the path, but yes it’s made up of rocks as most Jetty’s around here are, despite that, what it’s made of doesn’t make it not meet criteria. Unless I’m missing something.
To me, looking at the photos on Google Maps, this doesn’t seem to be a marker for pedestrians, but rather a light to guide boats along the river. Most of the photos there show the jetty, but no one seems to be on it. There are also safety signs up about the hazards of the jetty, including high winds and larger waves.
To me, this is more infrastructure than an actual hiking marker. The beacon is meant to guide boats and ships, not lead pedestrians to the end. Infrastructure is indistinct, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a similar one on the south jetty.
The Jetty had plenty of people on it fishing and taking pictures. The hazard signs are just generic “you can’t sue us if something happens” if that’s the case then none of the coast should have portals because it’s riddled with “Tsunami Warning” signs and the portal doesn’t need to be a pedestrian marker, it just needs to be a POI
I’m not entirely sure how I would do that, or who I would show that to? I walked to the portal just fine, and not much longer the 2 players that reported it also walked out to it just fine. I was still on the beach when they did it so I watched them walk out to it and take it, then waited for them to leave and walked out and captured it again. I’m also not sure of the right route to go to get this reinstated, I was told to come here to submit it.
How do you know they reported the Wayspot? Did they specifically say that was what they were doing?
I do agree that safe access has to be proven, but so does uniqueness. Unlink a lighthouse, which may have unique architecture and also give out tours to guest, a beacon at the end of a jetty is just a light to guide ships. This is the entrance of a river from the Pacific Ocean, so ship guidence is mainly what these beacons are used for.
you would put any evidence you have here for staff to see when they review this appeal. possibly a listing on a tourism site, a post from the body that maintains the beacon, anything that shows access to this.
yes, this is the correct place to ask for reinstatement. but niantic will have removed this for cause, and just saying that you want it back is not going to be enough to overturn their decision.
i hope you understand that i am trying to be helpful, but have nothing to do with the appeal result.
unless they told you they were the ones who reported it, you don’t know who reported it. with report forms, anyone can report any wayspot they come across that they feel should be removed. they don’t have to be reported in game.
(anyhow, who reported it is unimportant and i will drop that issue. you just need to prove why it should be reinstated.)
A portal that has been untouched for months, if not longer, is used to field our city, then 2 players go out and kill it, and I capture it again and refield our city with it, seems pretty likely on who reported it, regardless that’s not the point of me saying that, the point is it was safely traveled to multiple times in one day.
That’s not proof that they reported it though, that’s just your thoughts on how you think it may have been removed. It’s best not to accuse other players of removing Wayspots falsely, especially since we don’t know (and may not be told by staff) as to why it was removed.
But you are blaming other players without proof. Game play really isn’t taken into account with Wayfarer, other than Wayspots being used for game play locations. We can’t make assumptions as to why a Wayspot was removed, and even though you aren’t naming the other players, it’s still something that can’t be confirmed.
I have recently started playing Ingress, and have noticed some Wayspots in that game at ineligible locations, such as liqour stores and fire stations. I have remotely, via help chat, requested removal for not meeting criteria, and they have been removed as Wayspots.
It’s also possible that whoever manages the waterway and the beacons may have requested that the Wayspot be removed, and they have all the right to do this. They may have been concerned with people playing at the beacon, especially since it’s there to safely guide ships and boats in and out of the river entrance.
While I have been on this jetty many years ago (also wow this jetty has lost a lot of rock), jetties are really not safe and extremely dangerous during a good portion of the year. I read about one player presumably getting killed while playing on an icy jetty/pier in the winter. Also I agree with the other commenters that point out that this is a beacon for ships, not a pedestrian marker.
A kind moderatorial reminder that game-based blaming and brigading of the topic in either direction are not accepted in Wayspot Appeals, or anywhere else on the forum for that matter.
A POI doesn’t need to be a pedestrian marker though, also there’s been agents who have died because they were ill prepared for a snow hike and got stuck, it’s insensitive to say, but safety and common sense are different, if it’s high tide, windy, and freezing obviously you shouldn’t go out, but low tide, a light breeze, and nice and sunny it is very safe
I shouldn’t have blamed them, yes, but again it was brought up to prove a point that it was safely traveled to multiple times in one day, but I should have left out my theory of them being the reporters of the portal