Removed Gym Appeal

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Ferguson Library

  • Location (lat/lon): 41.055665232612824, -73.53916680303614

  • City: Stamford, CT

  • Country: United States

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): Not applicable. The gym already existed and I did not submit it.

  • Additional Information (if any):
    Hello! Thank you for taking the time to review my appeal. There was a gym on top of the public library, Ferguson Library, in downtown Stamford. There is a McDonalds located across the street and shortly after the collaboration began and a new McDonalds gym placed, the Ferguson Library gym disappeared.

Here is the order of events I had experienced:

  1. Ferguson Library gym exists.
  2. McDonalds gym is placed exactly right on top of the existing Ferguson Library gym on the same side of the street. The two were practically merged and hard to select.
  3. A few days later, the McDonalds gym is correctly moved to the other side of the street.
  4. The Ferguson Library gym disappears a day or two after.

I have a handful of screenshots to back up the sequence of events and gym placements. Please let me know where to share them if you would like to see. Thank you again!

Sponsored locations behave weirdly with Pokéstop and Gym placement rules. They abide by some rules whilst bending or breaking others.

Typically, I’ve noticed that if there’s anything within a radius of where a sponsored location is added, it will usually result in the regular wayspot being hidden until the sponsored location is removed. I don’t think there’s anything the wayfarer team can particularly do about this, as sponsored locations aren’t a normal part of the wayfarer database, and the wayfarer team aren’t responsible for the proximity rules that the Pokémon Go team uses when it comes to Pokéstop and Gym placements, or how they interact with sponsored locations.



Stops and gyms in PoGo are determined based on S2 cells, so there are no guarantees that the library Wayspot will be turned back to a gym due to the appearance of the McD’s gym. We actually do not get a say in what Wayspots get to be stops and/or gyms in PoGo due to the S2 cell density rules.

More info on the S2 cell system can be found here:

Sponsored stops/gyms tend to get a preference over other Wayspots in the area as well. Many Verizon stores in my area have gyms instead of stops, while the other Wayspots that meet the density rules tend to be stops.

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@NianticAaron i dont see anything that should be preventing this from appearong in game. Can you refresh the density and inclusion rules in this area.


The Gym in question should be visible on the gameboard now. Please let me know if it disappears again.


Hello Aaron! Thank you for looking into this. The Ferguson Library gym was back in the game until early this afternoon. I just booted up the game and it is no longer there.

It can take up to 48 hours for the game to fully sync, so I would give it some extra time for the gym to appear.

Oh I had no idea, thanks for the heads up!

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I have pushed another change. It should work this time, hopefully.

Not in this case.

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