Reporting Wayspots

Is there a reason you’d want to report wayspots? I know some of them are wayspots but don’t meet the criteria, but I still don’t see a reason to

To get rid of ineligible things and potentially free up some space for other eligible things.


I will report things that I think could get Niantic into legal trouble for the selfish reason of wanting them to stay in business so I can use their products. I report obstructs emergency services, K-12, SFPRP, and safety issues.

I used to report corrections to the game board because imo it makes it easier to play if the game Wayspot actually exists irl where it is pinned. But as more and more stuff gets tied to individual game locations - especially in Pokemon Go - I have stopped reporting changes like those.

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It’s commonplace for Ingress players to report wayspots that are important to the opposing faction’s links and fields. It’s basically become part of the game.