- Wayspot Title: 玉清阁
- Location (lat/lon): 36.652754, 116.810555
- True Location (lat/lon): 36.652507, 116.805088
- City: Jinan
- Country: China
- Additional Information (if any): Due to the offset of the Chinese map, the entity corresponding to this POI is in an incorrect position on the map (switching to Google Satellite can display its true location). Due to the limitations of editing the POI range in the game, it cannot be correctly moved to its true location
You can request edits that cannot be done through the games through help chat. Click the help menu on the wayfarer site: Niantic Wayfarer
A text bubble will pop up for you to click.
A bot will gather information, but a human will get back to you with a decision.
Okay, thank you for providing me with a solution to this type of problem
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