- Wayspot Title: Iglesia Evangélica Templo del Altísimo
- Location (lat/lon): -5.200836, -80.632089
- City: Piura
- Country: Perú
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
- Additional Information (if any): When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible: Portal removed because a bad user added false information to google maps, only with the intention of eliminating this location, this portal has already several times that has been removed and restored, we ask to be more exautivos to analyze these complaints as it is not the first time that this portal is reported and removed thanks to false information and editions on google maps. @NianticLC @Gendgi @NianticAtlas
Link Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/cpLtW6cKg5fd8BUCA
other Link Google maps: Google Maps
additional google maps link: Google Maps