Restoration of the portal "Graffiti Art under the Autobahn"

Today on January 22nd, 2025, the portal was removed. (GPS 53.1290247, 8.1980320 )

Unfortunately, I don’t understand why this portal should be removed.
On January 7th, 2025, this portal was only made an OverClock portal, and to do this, I made a few scans beforehand. So the recordings should confirm that this portal is currently available.

This portal can be reached via footpaths in the recreation area at Gartentorteich, Bodenburgteich and Bromberger Str. The graffiti is in the underpass of the highway.

The graffiti was not painted over or removed either. I took a photo of it today.

These wayspots are affected:
Wayspot Title: Graffiti Art unter der Autobahn
Location (lat/lon): 53.1290247, 8.1980320 Google Maps Link:
City: Oldenburg
Country: Germany

I request verification and restoration

To me, that doesn’t look like official art. I can’t even tell what those images are supposed to be. Unofficial street art like this is considered vandalism and is not eligible.

Please take a look at the clarification on art here:

Niantic has been removing any that appears to just be vandalism. If you have any evidence that this is a more significant, authorized piece, you should present it.

This wall has been approved by the city of Oldenburg. Art is a matter of perspective. The depiction of a small blue monster is clearly recognizable

If you have evidence of this it would really help your case.

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So it became OC on January 7th and is now no longer permitted??

the same Bridge

Not sure what OC means. I know that has to be frustrating that you just got it activated.

There are a lot of times that Wayspots are incorrectly accepted and Niantic removes them later. Graffiti and disc golf holes are one of the types of incorrectly accepted Wayspots that Niantic is actively removing.

Please do submit evidence if you have it that this graffiti is sanctioned.

OC is OverClock in Ingress. This requires several scans.
This portal has been around for ages. It’s only now that I’ve been playing it more often that it seems like it had to be removed…

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Can you provide a source link for this?

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Dear Roli - since when do we have this change in rules to only be able to submit portals when we add officially signed documents of the city council? Since when have Amabassadors to decide whats art and whats not - especially if its an obviously and clearly piece of street art?
please guys, stop destroying the portal network just because you never got whats about playing ingress and finding special and worth to visit places…

Mod edit to remove inappropriate phrase.

I hate to overclock, so didn’t even think of that - ty.

OC and scans have no bearing on eligibility nor are used as proof by the wayfarer team. They do take linked splats from Scaniverse if provided.

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Did you read the clarification? Graffiti like this has never met criteria unless permanent. Plenty has been accepted in error.

This clarification is from Niantic, not ambassadors.

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Im not making any personal requests or requirements. Im making suggestions so the OP has the best chance possible of their appeal being accepted.

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Candy its a clear joke what you are trying here - please stop this nonsense. Idk how long you are in the game but we do have zillions of only nia approved spots like this where even that one might be nia approved and installed as well.
I dont have the slightest idea why you guys cant deal with the power to decide things and have to show those missing skills so obviously…

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We had nothing to do with these removals, we’re simply advising for the best possible outcome.


lol i am not an ambo, i just try to help other explorers. most portals have been approved by the player network, not niantic themselves. i have zero power, and any comments made here were to help explain why this might have been removed to give the OP the best chance of getting it restored.

(i will stop replying now to avoid further cluttering this post)

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