Grafitti restorations

Continuing the discussion from Restoration of the portal "Graffiti Art under the Autobahn":

Sorry to jump in an old thread (it was sent to me) but I did open a thread to restore a wayspot of similar nature and I don’t see the value of running the whole discussion again if it’s possible to clear it out where other statements have already been made - but here we are.

So we draw the line for “permanence” by saying it is a particular technique used on a particular type of surface? Just because it is more easily changed over? A wall painting is also a “coordinated effort” to have the art piece come into existence, just by (usually) a single person. There is really no clear definition of “permanent”. 1 year is not enough? 5 is OK?

The criteria for wayspot acceptance and also wayspot removal should be made clearer for cases like this. If Wayferer team does not want to include a specific type of art they should say it so that we know where we stand

Since I don’t think it was linked in the original post or in your own appeal, I would suggest checking this clarification post out. It may answer some of the questions you have. Once again you are free to disagree, but I doubt you will get any further follow-up from the Niantic team on specific decisions.

The discussion in the first post you link essentially crystallized around public painting walls, which are yet a different type of object from what you are asking about. Fwiw I think these make great wayspots, and I personally have submitted “legal walls” that could be without any doubt proven as such by an external source. I have in 100% of the cases been rejected by the community though.

Thank you for these examples. I would guess that my own appeal could be likened to the third example, as it is an art piece and

also, it has not been painted over with

though yes, the neighbouring walls were vandalised indeed.

Obviously I disagree with the decision, which is why I started asking around. If there is a new trend within Wayfarer to get rid of all such paintings, I believe users deserve to be informed. Not the least to be fair and transparent, but also to guide further actions in nominating and/or reporting any such cases.
I understand Niantic may not want to discuss individual cases, which makes it even more urgent they issue a general statement to tell us what to do. If the orignal nomination was approved by the community, it clearly saw some value in it.