R'Ortega's Wayspot appeal

Hello, I am writing this as a potential appeal with a follow-up question. The title of the wayspot is “R’Ortega’s Grill and Bar.” The address is 3701 Highway 33, 3705 NJ-33, Neptune Township, NJ 07753.

I believe my submission was rejected due to a supplementary photo that was taken in my car. While i understand that car photos are typically grounds for rejection, the image’s intention was to show that there was parking available and its easily accessible. Additionally, the submitted image for the Wayspot was not taken in a car and clearly showed the restaurant’s logo/name.

If this appeal is rejected, would i be allowed to resubmit it with photos that meet the criteria? To my knowledge, this should count as a non-generic restaurant. It is in a great location, situated between a park and a baseball field. Any feedback or advice is greatly appreciated.

You cannot appeal rejected nominations here. You need to use the appeal button within wayfarer itself:

If the button isn’t there, you’ve already used two appeals recently and you’ll need to wait 20 days from the point where you used your first appeal for the button to reappear.

The rejection email you got suggests it was rejected by the Machine Learning, rather than a human. If you use an appeal, it does get looked at by Niantic.

If the appeal is unsuccessful, you can try submitting an improved version of the nomination. Just bear in mind that restaurants are not an easy acceptance. You need to really sell why it’s a great place to socialise and/or explore.


Parking has 0 impact on eligibility. Even then showing a wide photo of the surrounding area can have this same effect without showing your own car and being rejected as submitter identifiable.


Hello and welcome @Saphtism

This forum is not always clear as to where you should post. First as it has been explained this was not in the best section for your query. I have moved it to nomination support.


I’m just guessing here but while the ML (Machine Learning/Emily) has picked this up and I know the terms are very Americanised these days I suspect it might be because you used the word “strip” in the description

While this is only a guess the system tends to reject offensive words like this even though I know it’s not one.

But as the others have suggested Restaurants are more of a hard sell and often get rejected as a “Generic Business”

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Greatly appreciate the responses everyone, will keep these things in mind going forward. I wasnt aware there was a cap to appeals per week - it didnt allow me to appeal from the page and hadnt thought of that potential, assuming it was a bug.

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