Additional Information (if any): Medborgarskolan is a study association that offers a broad range of adult education all over Sweden, see also their website (which I also added when I appealed).
The appeals reviewer are correct, it’s a school property- but that doesn’t make it inappropriate, the rejection critera is for schools focusing on educations for K-12 which means under age of 18. Since this school is focusing on adult education it should be appropiate?
There is for sure always things to improve, but then appropiate rejection codes or information would be valid.
It seems the appeal reviewer was incorrect; this school has all sorts of courses in the arts: music, dance/theatre, arts and crafts, body and health. It has no association with K12 in any way and seems a perfect Wayspot for discovery and socialization
(from their site: “Medborgarskolan is a study association that offers a broad range of adult education all over Sweden”)
Maybe @NianticAaron could make an exception to the appeal process and give you a hand?
The appeal reviewers are doing a great job, and they are just like us, sometimes to quick in judging.
The number of incorrect appeals that could have been revised if the forum awareness was there, maybe some more would have been accepted.
Neither how, all those “level 2 appeals” that we do here is creating attention and awareness for all of us making better judgements for all the clarifications made and hopefully also generating better nominations for thus who reads.
Oh appeals reviewers are human and can make mistakes just like the rest of us. That is going to happen. Especially if they have a quota they have to fulfill - it always scares me when people ask for more appeals for this reason! It just made me think about where is the check for things that get incorrectly accepted.