So close... so very close

So close… they’ve almost got the idea… am I a meanie to reject on the title?
** moderator edit to remove screenshot of a nomination in voting


That title is not acceptable imo. I don’t think that rejecting it makes you a meanie.

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Not mean at all, this is clearly not correct. Several things wrong here.

Report it for influencing reviewers as well as that terrible title. Would they really want a waypoint in their area with a plea for help as the title?

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I have removed the screenshot.

Although presented as a review query, I feel that with such a long rambling title more akin to a supporting statement, that was clearly not appropriate, and was a reject.
The phrasing of “nearly” and “meanie” was heading towards poking fun at this submission. I’m not saying that was the intention, but this forum does not encourage the posting of poor nominations seen in review.

It would be fine to ask a question around what would you do if you had a potentially good nomination with an inappropriate title.
Quoting the title without the context of the full nomination would be fine.

To chip in with my view.….
This is clearly someone who doesn’t understand about wayfarer, they need help. I wish we could give proper feedback that would be supportive, but we can’t.

It is a simple reject for me, under accuracy poor title and description.
If I was within a reasonable distance I would make a note to pay a visit and make some proper nominations to help.


Yes, in these circumstances i reject for poor title and hope they understand. If they dont understand, hopefully they will ask someone who can explain it or come here for help. With titles that miss the mark that badly, i typically assume its a young person.