Title: USAMV Iron Snail Sculpture
[RO]Sculptura de metal in forma de melc este un simbol al universitatii de medicina veterinara (USAMV). Aceasta se afla in curtea facultatii de foarte mult timp, iar uneori studentii planteaza plante, flori sau iarba pe ea, oferindu-i viata.
[EN]This metal sculpture in the form of a snail is a symbol of the University of Veterinary Medicine (USAMV). It has been in the faculty yard for a very long time, and sometimes students plant plants, flowers or grass on it, giving it life.
Additional Info:
Poate fi vizionat atat din curte cat si de pe drumul public alaturat.
It can be viewed both from the yard and from the adjacent public road.
Hello everyone. I have tried submitting this statue as a POI multiple times but it just wouldn’t get past Emily. I was recently able to appeal Emily’s auto rejection, which lead to now a Niantic Rejection for the Temporary/Seasonal or Not Distinct criteria. Unfortunately neither satellite view, nor street view were on my side for this nomination which is why I made sure that the supporting photo would be useful. However, with the supporting photo as my only ally, I could not prove that it is indeed an old significant statue that’s been representing the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine for a long time. Although it’s not your usual stone statue, I believe it’s a unique and significant to the profile of the university (hence why it’s still there).
Since the rejection I did some additional research and managed to find 2 youtube videos on Uni’s website that show the building and the statue to the bottom left of the building (still a bit hard to see). The videos are two years old so it might help prove that it’s not temporary.
That being said, do you believe this was a fair rejection? Should I resubmit with the links?
I believe two of the main points in your submission is causing the issue 1) “university” which is classed as school 2) “Medical” which is also not allowed in games so putting these together as 3) medical university" would most likely be picked up by Emily as ineligible and also by a Niantic Human reviewer.
That saying if it hit the community reviewers this is only my observations on this…I’m not perfect and can make mistakes as well.
Multiple submissions of the same thing can alert Niantic to unfair play and action maybe taken against accounts.
It can be hard sometimes to pin point what causes a rejection, especially from the Machine Learning (ML). But I don’t think it was triggered by University. Niantic does not want schools that focus on children younger than 18 years old. But the term University tends to be for people older than that so I don’t think ML would flag that.
Similar for Medical. True a nomination of a medical center is not eligible, things at a medical center can be (art, fountain, sculpture, …).
I think in this case the pictures could be better. To me this looks like it could be a small, moveable lawn ornament. The history is helpful to know it isn’t, but strong photos go a long way.
I am pretty sure both medical institutions and universities are eligible nominations. I was thinking that maybe the abbreviation might have something to do with the auto deny.
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I’m sorry, but neither of those pieces of advice are true. Universities are full of wayspots. Medical places can have wayspots, just not blocking emergency services.
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We have no idea if ML can or will amalgamate universities and schools and if it has a problem with medical facilities for some reason (?) so I wouldn’t give that as the first piece of advice, nor would I suggest making changes to how they describe the location.
Welcome @minaayamina ! The only improvement I would recommend for your nomination (ML or not) is to not take your photo from far away, from above and from a window. Do make the effort of walking all the way up to it and nicely framing the snail for the main photo, seeing it in better quality will alleviate any remaining doubts about its permanence, artistic component etc.
Good luck, with this it should hopefully be an easy resub!
The reason I stated it like that was simply because most universities have security at there gates so a public person can’t just walk up to the university and let themselves onto the site to visit a “Wayspot” in a game without the required privileges or passes issued to the students.
The credentials enable the students access to the site only so the wayspots will be in a gated environment so to say and exclusive to the university so it can be classed under a school for the same reasons.
Medical Centres as such are not acceptable and all the ones I walk past daily are not in either of niantic’s products because it’s classed as a “sensitive location” but it’s a little silly if you think about it as there’s Pokémon centres in the TV show where you can take battle weary Pokémon to be left to be healed over a certain period of time
So if at any time in the future this was added as a feature then medical center accessible via a footpath could be accepted and would need the criteria updating to reflect this as long as it doesn’t block a car park or access via emergency vehicles.
Now Museums and Attractions are a different thing entirely where you can visit upon paying a fee to enter the site and have exclusive access for the day or for a year depending on the fee paid during working hours.
Recently I saw a post flash up about basketball hoops that were once not accepted (but I suspect are still in the database) were now being accepted solely because Niantic released a new game under the NBA name,but I wonder when this game fails will the criteria reverse ??
It’s a thin line of can we or can’t we accept these.
I’ve never come across this in the UK. In fact I’ve experienced quite the opposite. All university campuses I’ve seen have been fully open to the public. Even if that wasn’t the case though, just because something is gated does not make it ineligible.
Adding to what @Xenopus said, it does appear to be a tiny object with so much background around it. I think both the ML model and the human reviewer were confused by all the grass and pavers. . When you take your next photo, be sure to center the sculpture with less background, something like this
I always take my photos first, then crop or straighten them, before I start my nomination, then choose the “existing photo” option.
I would also recommend a ground level photo for the supporting just to help give a size reference. But if you need to take it from this angle in order to include that sign on the building to help with location, then it would be acceptable for the supporting photo.
Definitely resubmit and please let us know how it goes.
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Thank you very much for the advice everyone! I will try to resubmit with a closer picture! And I’ll try appealing it again after if Emily doesn’t like that either
This is rare in my area. There are a few universities with restricted campuses, but the vast majority of them ive seen are wide open to the public.
I do know that in some of the countries where I work, it’s not uncommon to have security gates and fences around universities and only let students or authorize staff/personnel/visitors enter. But in the US I think almost all campuses are wide open. Restrictions can be placed on buildings on a campus, but the campus itself is usually completely open. I’m sure someone will come up with an exception of that, but generally, they are open
But of course, just having security gates and restrictions on who can come in doesn’t mean that way spots can’t be placed on those university grounds nonetheless.
This is not true. To my knowledge “most” universities are open campuses.
This is not true, Wayfarer enables limited access areas to be eligible.
This is not true, the rejection for schools are of the “k-12” variety or schools for students under 18 years of age.
This is mostly true, medical centers themselves are not eligible, but thing within medical centers can be eligible so long as they don’t interfere with emergency services.
Current criteria does reflect this:
This game has already failed and criteria reversed.