Stop removed

i have requested 3 pokestops in late 2020 and early 2021, and all got accepted. but 5 juli they got removed. they are all legit stops, stones in the ground so no temperarly and to educate the children in road safety and not in school ground. and if i would encounter them in wayfarer they would be accepeted because they meet the criteria of saftey and permanant. i hope you can restore the stops. greetings Trainer42069020

welcome to the forum @Trainer42069020 !

due to abuse of adding tile pavers solely for the purposes of creating a wayspot in some parts of the world, niantic is removing poi like this. do you have some evidence you can provide that shows these are sanctioned and maintained? that will help staff to evaluate your appeal.

its a government funded project teaching kids road safety, it has a website Producten voor een verkeersveilige gemeente | Leer in het Verkeer learning in the traffic is the translation, you can see al three stop mentioned in the section “stoeptegels” which means sidewalk tile.

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I try to say very little on these appeals except to point out what else people can do to help their case to Niantic. You should probably give the titles and location to help Niantic find them. They may not need that, but wouldn’t hurt.

@Trainer42069020 if you are appealing you need to provide the title and location, in combination with proof of that location, the website provided only shows where to buy these, that does not help to provide why these are good wayspots.

If you can provide the above, this topic can be moved to Wayspot Appeals - Niantic Wayfarer Community for staff to take a look at the appeal :+1:

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