제거된 채육관 복원 요청

포켓몬고 채육관이 제거되어 지도에서 보이지 않습니다.
인그레스 포탈은 멀정하게 잘있습니다.
멀정하게 잘있던 채육관이 제거가 되었습니다.

Welcome to the forum @lllCoCollll

You didn’t give your photos enough time to upload before posting the thread. Can you try to post them again and make sure to wait for them to say they’re uploaded?

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hey, 3 days especially over new years is not an adequate time to ping staff. Please keep some patience.

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Your continued patience will be appreciated.:+1:


Thanks for your appeal, @lllCoCollll. The in-game location has been removed, and we have restricted the addition of any new PokéStops/Gyms at this location in compliance with the property owner’s request.

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포켓스탑/채육관 설치가 안되었습니다

According to NianticAtlas, this is by design.